Møøsë bitës càn bë vëry nàsty yöü knöw!
Get Skink on this!
Who needs those sweet Swedish public [read: socialist] benefits when you’ve already earned a small fortune being a spoiler for big-spending American fascists?
'Twould a shame, however, if her desire for Swedish citizenship were, um, less-than sincere, and Swedish authorities looked a little deeper into her “background.”
Worse still, if she were extradited to answer for “certain discrepancies” in her FEC filings.
I hope if nothing else, this screws up her Swedish residency. It is not hard to imagine that representations were made in the residency application process at odds with her being a candidate for office in Florida. Maybe the press coverage in Sweden will cause a closer look at her application
Did your sister look like this? If so, I think I know which moose bit her.
Lots of countries including the US will give you citizenship if you commit to bringing in a certain amount of financial assets, the threshold is usually $400-500k.
I’m sure there were many that did not have them. In those races they weren’t needed because the intent was to juke the vote during counting ensuring a GOP’er victory. I’m sure neither Scott or DeSantis won their positions. But they were counting the votes.
Aka one (1) house, purchased by a company you set up for the purpose. Bingo! Substantial commercial investment on the half shell.