New Report Gives A Swedish Twist To The Sham Candidate Scandal In Florida | Talking Points Memo

I’m beginning to think you’d be a cheap date.


Sweden needs to reject her application and send her packing.

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Cheap and fun! Bring a ukulele, though.


I don’t think there are enough dead bodies involved (at this time) to drag poor Wallander into things.

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Now can I say a moose once bit my sister?


ønli if yuu spel it ryght


So… how do the Swedes feel about an applicant for residency running for office in another country?

I have no experience with the Swedish system, but in other places an application for permanent residency often requires an explicit statement about where you spend your time and your intentions in the future


I don’t think Trump would have made it out of the Republican primary if it had been based on ranked choice voting. The problem of too many non-Trump candidates splitting up the never-Trump vote would not have existed under RCV.


She applied for permission to live in Sweden, not for citizenship — there is a residency requirement of, IIRC, 5 years to be eligible for citizenship in Sweden.



That’s true — unless you have refugee status, you must show means to support yourself.


Here in Germany, i had to wait 5 years for permanent residency and work permit — with renewals of my work permit at the end of the first and third years.


In NZ, I got a fast-tracked work to residency visa that made me eligible for residency after three years. But there was an additional period between “residency” and “residency with permanent right of return” wherein I had to pay attention to how many days I was out of the country each year.

Citizenship was another five years after that and by the time I was eligible I could no longer swear that I “intended to make my permanent home in NZ”


I hear that if you’re willing to work in the sheep industry they’ll give you a house and land, with ownership accrueing after 5 years.


Yeah, I have no problem with any of that, other than her “pretending” that she lived in the state she wanted to represent.


If it was ever true, it has not been true for many years. Starting in the late 90s NZ went all in converting forest plantations and dry land sheep farms to dairying, with the help of heavy irrigation. Sheep numbers have been plunging.

But if you’re Peter Theil they will happily sell you citizenship.

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I was eligible for residency and a work permit immediately (I had a really good job) — but my first residency permit and first work permit were for a year, renewed for another two years, then, oddly enough i somehow (which I have forgotten) ended up with my work permit being made permanent somewhat before my residency. I want to say the work permit was permanent after 4 years, but residency definitely at 5 —it was a long time ago.

Citizenship requires renouncing my US citizenship which I won’t do and hubby agrees. Oh, yes, and I had permanent papers already by the time I met him…

The Swedes, however, do not require renunciation, as I know from a couple of ex-pat friends who have dual citizenship there. Same with the UK, but a longer residency requirement than the Swedes.


Yeah, my point was only that they can and may throw her out, without “extradition” if she ends up being charged with something… Fraud would likely be a hurdle to her applying for permanent residency or citizenship.


I believe Virginia is considering implementing RCV. Let’s just hope the Republicans don’t manage to gain enough seats to take the legislature back. But given that they barely managed to figure out how to hold a nomination convention this year, I guess I shouldn’t worry too much.

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