President Donald Trump’s approval numbers on his overall job performance and handling of the economy are slumping, and it’s clearly hitting a nerve with the thin-skinned Commander-in-Chief.
But the minions who support him don’t care. He can gripe and complain about it and the minions will stand behind him and just scream ‘fake news’ all the day long.
If there are folks who’ve been sitting on the fence that start noticing the kitchen table issues of jobs disappearing, farms closing, food prices increasing and projects in their locales ending because the funding was removed, maybe, just maybe, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Yet look at his base, they are unchangeable. Fortunately the base is small enough to allow Trump to be defeated. D,s don’t make choices for candidates that will reduce the D votes allowing Trump a door back into the White House.
The issue for Trump is how does he enhance 38% into an electoral win. Just what kind of resources are the Russians going to deploy to pump his numbers. Will they rely exclusively on social media, and oppo research, or will they also rig polling places to pad Trump numbers. How many “votes” will they need add to get over the top? Where? Will the news media be good with all the election rigging or will they report it?
This is what I keep hearing/reading, too. There’s an assumption that of the, say, 40% that have generally approved since election day there is some proportion, maybe as high as 10%, that are Republicans or conservatives that are with him as long as the economy looks good. Same thinking goes that once things turn, they’ll desert him in a hurry. Even if that 10% doesn’t vote at all, as opposed to voting D, he’s probably buried in the popular vote and electorally.
This is where having people like Bill Weld in the mix matters, too, IMO.
They don’t care if they are hurt by his policies. There is a book Dying of Whiteness (I am not sure of the title) which quoted a man DYING OF CANCER in Tennessee saying he was GLAD that state did not take the Medicaid expansion EVEN if he was DYING OF CANCER because ‘welfare queens’ and ‘illegals’ would get coverage with HIS tax dollars.
THAT guy would never care about ANYTHING because Trump hates what he hates. And ‘that’ is Trump’s base of deplorables. No other word describes him/them.
They can falsely pump the numbers any way they like, I don’t care.
The only poll that counts is the one where we cast a ballot. They can try to dissuade voters from showing up, but the anger in this country is that high that it won’t matter. People are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore (/Network).
I had ancestors in CT that wouldn’t lick a stamp with Roosevelt’s picture on it. I understand that. But there are fewer and fewer of those out there. Of that percentage, I daresay there were as many that had my ancestors’ attitude as there are those that simply couldn’t bring themselves to vote for HRC.
The way to defeat the latter condition is to put up the best, strongest candidate (and that’s not necessarily Biden or even Sanders).
Good for you, but there is an old saying that who is voted for doesn’t count so much as who counts the votes. A lot of Republican Secretaries of State across the country can’t be depended on to count the votes honestly. Add to that all Republican voter suppression and lack of paper backups and add in a foreign nation state actively hacking our election with the open support of the administration and it might be that we had our last real election in 2012. Sorry, but honest elections are no longer a given in America.