A new poll from SurveyUSA, sponsored by an Atlanta NBC affiliate, sought to collect data on a question Republicans and Democrats alike have been asking for weeks: will Republicans who believe the general election was rigged vote in the runoff?
All polls should be taken with large spoon fulls of salt but this one should be especially so. Don’t believe it, or ignore it at least. People lie to pollsters.
I don’t believe the polling and so-called responses. The “shy Trump/Conservative voter” is a real thing-look at KY, ME, TX, etc. Those people will vote. Who the hell knows what kind of batshit stuff they tell polsters?
5%. 1-of-20. That is about all it would take.
If just that many of Trump’s base in Georgia don’t vote.
In the mean time, if you have some coin to spare for Stacey Abrams’ ‘Fair Fight’ organization’s efforts?
To assist Rev Warnock and Jon Ossoff? Now would be the time to send it along.
(My donation this morning was split evenly to each candidate)
It also points out that President Donald Trump’s recently announced rally on January 4 may sweep those resistant conservatives into the voting booth.
If Trump keeps talking about how the November election was rigged, instead of telling people at the rally what wonderful Senators Perdue and Loeffler will be, he’s just going to cement the idea that there’s no sense voting. Anyone think that Trump can stop talking about himself for more than 12 seconds? Hands?
It sounds nice enough, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Special elections are always hard to poll and tend to favor Republicans. It’s a steep hill for the Dems to climb, though it appears that trump is helping this time.
Rest assured, the GOP voters will be out in force on 5 January. They don’t care about polls; they care about power and they aren’t about to relinquish it without a major fight.
Court filings begin on the sixth at midnight, if there’s any hint of Democrat victory.
trump rallies are not what they used to be, even his strongest supporters are disappointed. It doesn’t mean they won’t vote for him but he’s not getting the rabble roused like he used to, they have disintegrated into low energy whining, with even more off topic rambling than normally. Now he has the additional problem of being a loser, with no chance of changing that.
I don’t know. If I’m Loeffler and Purdue, given the trend illustrated in the Krugman, ‘Trump Crazy Graph’, I’m not sure I’d want his “help” on Jan 4th.