The man accused of posting classified information in a group chat agreed to provide information to a person who indicated they were a foreign national, prosecutors said on Wednesday.
That just stuns me. In my dad’s day all hell would have broken out in the first incident. And he would have been removed, clearances killed off and likely not to be in service long if not on charges.
Let’s hope so. Seems they knew for awhile that he was deep diving into areas he had no business being in as far as classified information. Why they let it slide I have no idea. Seems like that would be grounds for immediate penalties or punishment. One warning to do something he knows he shouldn’t have done is one too many, imo. That should be made clear to all from the get-go.
He is not the only one. There are people in the chain above him that need to be replaced and I would say asap. There needs to be some serious re-engineering on security in the military.
Imagine the thoughts of the personnel who initially submitted reports on this bit of scum, only to watch him skip again and again.
Don’t know that something like Tiexiera‘s treason wouldn’t of happened anyway, but I always felt it was a mistake in 1946 to create a separate service out of the Army Air Corps.
Makes one wonder if he was being used as a source of misinformation or for efforts to see who else was involved? but then again, I’m trying to explain the unexplainable…