New Bill Would Mean Open Season In Georgia For MAGA Voter Roll Challengers Like True The Vote - TPM – Talking Points Memo

A new, Republican-backed Georgia election bill that has been sent to the governor’s desk has the potential to inject chaos into the upcoming election cycle if signed into law. 

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Between this and the resurrected (no pun intended) abortion bill in AZ, if anyone is wondering whether electing TIFBG and his associates to any kind of government role is a good idea, I should think these would be enough to talk most people out of it.


Voter suppression. What fun. More rule by minorty.


When listening to Stacey Abrams last week, this was one of her biggest concerns about the November election.


And the Republicans are in no way freaked out that they can NOT win the popular votes in election.

The voters are stupid seems to be their internalized position, why they don’t win elections outright.


Won’t be a minority anymore. They’ll be the country, and they have the AI to scour comments too I’ll bet.


The standard should be the challenger must live in the same precinct as the voter they challenge, and every unsuccessful challenger should be liable for $10,000 to the voter in compensatory and punitive damages, for wasting that voter’s time and frivolously making them prove their possession of basic American rights.


So if I read this correctly, most people who moved to Georgia as adults would be provisionally ineligible to vote, and would have to undergo some kind of quasijudicial proceedings to reinstate that right? But a bunch of crazy racists would get to decide which people’s eligibilties to challenge.


With Georgias open carry and stand your ground laws does that mean you have the right to confront one of these True the vote suppressors if they bother you at a polling site?


Sounds like a welcoming inducement for a US business to open an office, or transfer their headquarters to GA? s/

This does make me wonder how aggressively these groups look at counties in GA that don’t have big cities like Atlanta, Augusta, and Savannah?


Maybe someone with extra time could cross-reference voter rolls against True the Vote members or similar organizations and challenge some of those. Nothing says that challenged voters have to have a D after their name, although in practice that’s how it will likely be used. But it can work on those with R as well.


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If this bill is signed and survives an appeal, the registered Republicans should be challenged too. Give them a taste of their own medicine

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