Nevada Supreme Court Bats Down Abortion Initiative Challenge, Putting It On Path To Ballot

The Nevada Supreme Court unanimously greenlit the language of an abortion rights amendment Thursday, putting it on track to feature on the state’s November ballot. 

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I’m delighted that the cult is keeping their War on Women front and center for voters across the nation. It should help in keeping Defendant 1 from a return to power and may help the good guys retain the senate, win the house, and gain a few state legislatures in the process.

Vote freedom, Vote Democratic.


Cat. Waiting for Republicans to pass by…


Signature gatherers - let’s not screw this up. OK?


Are the :lion: and :bear: in their own trees?

Why would the language of an abortion rights amendment after cover all possible outcomes? I mean the legislators that banned abortions did it outright, did not taking into consideration of all the possibilities that happen when a pregnancy goes south. Possibilities like death to pregnant person if medical intervention is denied.


They used abortion for almost 50 years but never…


Now what? The car begins backing up and the hypocrites get squashed under the wheels.


Looking to make it 8 for 8.


Today we submitted an initiative to put abortion rights on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. It takes 55% of the votes to adopt the amendment. So make that 9 for 9.


I’m confused why anyone talks about exceptions for rape and incest as if they were separate things. Everyone obviously means minor girls who were raped by their adult fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers or cousins.

Does a 36 year old woman who got knocked up by her 15 year old son, qualify for the special abortion hall-pass? Does a 20 year old woman impregnated by her 21 year old brother qualify for a special abortion hall pass? 16 sister - 14 brother? 14 sister - 16 cousin?

The only right answers are crystal clear:
Abortion should be legal for everyone.
Rape should be illegal for everyone.
Incest is gross, but the proper rape law would cover all the bases.


These are battles that still must be won in the trenches.

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