The Nevada Democratic Party (NDP) will use paper ballots for early voting in its caucuses after Iowa Democrats’ attempt to use a specialized caucus data-gathering app crashed and burned last week.
Leave it to Vegas to ruin the game entirely, like their virtual roulette wheel displayed on a flat screen tv, or the croupier-less craps table where you have to bet on a touch pad.
What a novel idea. Paper ballots tabulated by a scanner which is not connected to the internet. Oh wait, we have been using this method to vote here in MA as long as I can remember. Can not say I ever recall an issue with this system.
One benefit of apps is more access for folks who can’t get to polling places but I’d rather have more polling places and paper ballots. We need to get away from hackable “solutions”.
[quote] The Google Form will have a URL that will be protected by “a series of security mechanisms,” in the Independent’s words, to prevent hacking.
“NV Dems can confidently say that what happened in the Iowa caucus last night will not happen in Nevada on Feb. 22,” McCurdy said in a statement.[/quote]
Instead, we’ll find entirely new ways to screw this up, like using Google Forms attached to the f’ing internet, because the Russians and Trump Trolls know nothing about getting around security mechanisms.
So the app didn’t work, but they’re replacing it with a paperworld-on-a-screen hybrid. It’s sort of like windows solitaire, only you print the cards as dealt and then type the result back into the computer so your play can be registered. JUST GET A DAMN DECK OF CARDS ALREADY!!!
Travis County recently switched to that system. They’ve still got a few issues to work out, e.g. better ballot privacy between the machines and the scanners, but on the whole it’s a good, easy, unambiguous, voter-verifiable, recountable way of doing things, and the results are just as fast as the crappy old machines.
The Google Form will have a URL that will be protected by “a series of security mechanisms” … to prevent hacking.
Yeah, cuz who could possibly figure out a way to hack an app designed to give access to millions of people, but not a million and one? Nevada Democratic Party - you do know the Russians never went away, right? What are these people thinking, and what is so g-d important that they expose themselves to certain skulduggery?
According to a memo published by the Nevada Independent on Tuesday, the early voter will check in using Google Forms on an iPad (and a paper voter card as a backup) at a voting site in their county, then they will fill out a paper ballot that will be scanned at the end of each day to be counted with the results of their precinct’s caucus on Feb 22.