Nearly 100 former national security officials are publicly calling on the U.S. government and the media to help keep the identity of the whistleblower at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry anonymous.
In Trump’s quest to be a dictator like his murderous BFF Putin, MBS & Kim…
Trump is and will DISCREDIT people who has the authority to tell the truth about his criminality such as the national security officials (past or present), WBs, the Press…and would really really love to be able do what his murderous BFFs can do - use Novichok or bone saw!
Chuck Grassley where are you supporting the whistleblowers? Aren’t you Mr Whistleblower Protector? Shouldn’t you be endorsing this letter? Shouldn’t you be speaking out against Lindsey Graham?
This will have the same effect as that letter signed by 1,000 prosecutors and such from a few months ago, along with yet another letter signed by hundreds of other career professionals: nothing.
Not only does this Third Reich cosplay GOP government not read (thus making them average Americans at best), but they aren’t threatened or care. As a political philosopher recently said on TV: “Ain’t nothin’ gonna happen.”
Lindsay Graham has already said that the Senate will subpoena any whistleblower to testify in public. He claims that everyone has the “right” to confront their accuser. Of course, the 6th Amendment only applices to criminal prosecutions, and the law protects whistleblowers - but Republicans never let the law get in their way. Here, Graham is openly intimidating witnesses.
Our National Security right now is in the hands of Commander Chaos. Its way past time for the Republican party to wake the fuck up.
They’re making the country as unsafe as trump and don’t seem to give a shit. Only thing they care about is their incumbency and trying to hold onto their seats.
There is a tad bit of a logical inconsistency in Lindsey’s argument: "It’s all hearsay. The whistleblower didn’t hear the phone call,” therefor "it’s imperative that the whistleblower be interviewed in public, under oath and cross-examined,” is not a compelling argument.
As an official Administration response I picture Steve Miller leaning out a window of the WH yelling: “We’re in! You’re out! We don’t care what you think!”
My god poor Treacherous Trump’s butter has totally slipped off his noodles. He wants Nancy, Mitt, and Adam impeached now too. And the former law and order, family values, flag wrapped super patriots, Republican Party, has abandoned everyone of their principles except coddling the rich at the expense of average Joe, Jane, and their families, ie they now stand for nothing.
“Nearly 100 former national security officials are publicly calling on the U.S. government and the media to help keep the identity of the whistleblower at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry anonymous.”
Please excuse the nit picking, but isn’t this a Congressional impeachment inquiry?
They made two mistakes: they didn’t put Trump’s name in Bold three or four times in each paragraph and they didn’t reserve 100 rooms at the Trump Hotel.