Nearly 100 current and former Republican leaders in a group called “Republicans and Independents for Biden” are slated to endorse Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday.
here’s where I see W…his endorsement won’t likely move votes, but given how Trump could try to steal the election or refuse to acknowledge the results, I see W as part of an institutional “in case of emergency break glass” switch where I think he’d come out forcefully if that happens.
and i can’t believe Trump has fucked up the country that there are two things what I just typed are predicated on: 1) that he’s made W seem like a respectable leader in comparison, and 2) that after the shit W pulled in the 2000 election, he still has credibility compared to what Trump’s trying.
Snyder wrote that Trump has failed to unite the nation and said: “President Trump’s answer to people who oppose or disagree with them is to be verbally abusive. In other words, he is a bully… As a proud nerd, I had to deal with bullies over many years; it is tragedy watching our world suffer from one.” Conversely, he praised Biden for having the “desire to heal a deeply divided nation,” and said the Democrat “has demonstrated strong moral character and empathy; and he seems willing to listen to people who have different perspectives from his own.”
Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh dismissed news of the impending endorsement, telling Reuters that Biden “has been a failure in the Washington Swamp for a half century, so no one should be surprised when Swamp creatures gather to protect one of their own.”
This kind of thing is devastating for them. It tells the country-club and suburban GOP voters who have really serious doubts that they’re right to have those doubts. All these 100 people are trusted, serious people. And how does this churl respond? With stupid name-calling. So, so weak.
With Paul Ryan still trying to discern whether his loyalty is to Jesus Christ or Ayn Rand, I wouldn’t count on him for anything. Conclusion: “Ain’t gonna happen.”
His nephew George P. Bush is the only Bush family member on the Trump bandwagon.
“George P. Bush, the only Bush family member endorsed Trump for re-election claiming that “President Trump is the only thing standing between America and socialism,"
“President Donald Trump will have the vote of at least one member of the Bush clan this fall.”
Probably concerned about his 2028 prospects.
He happens to be the Texas Land Commissioner who is responsible for the administration of public lands as well as mineral rights which are used to fund education and other needs in the state. Gee sounds like socialism to most people.