NCAA Limits Attendance | Talking Points Memo

The NCAA announced in a statement Wednesday that it will hold its March Madness tournaments without fans and restrict attendance to “essential staff and limited family.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Oh the irony…


Yeah, nothing like the schools themselves closing and the basketball craziness still going on.


It’s either this or cancelling the tournament outright. In either case, another blow to Trump’s economy when you think of the millions of fans that would have flown, lodged, ate, and shopped at the various venues.

But we have to take all safety measures in these uncertain times.


GOP Limits Intelligence.

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NCAA’s got to make coin…while the players take the brunt of the risk of contracting the virus.

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I honestly didn’t think they’d do it. I’m relieved…

Now, about all those conference tournaments this week


So now the NCAA is trying to impeach Trump too? Good grief. The deep state extends everywhere.


The NCAA is HQ’ed in Indianapolis, too

Paging Mike Pence…youur state is a traitor


There is also the NBA, MLB, NHL and probably more that should consider playing without fans (which is really stupid, in my opinion) or shortening or canceling the season. Each league has its own unique issues with this, so we’ll have to wait and see I guess.

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It’s always an exciting and very fun time, but there’s more to life than any sporting event.

People need to focus. I hope this helps.

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Wow. Just the beginning for college, high school, elementary, club, and pro sports. For awhile, at least.


I don’t share your optimism, not with the conflicting messages coming from DC.

Wait until the sickness and death starts piling up.


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If we have to wait until then, the NCAA’s action today wouldn’t have gotten people to focus

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My granddaughter"s schools are closed because they are in the mile circle around New Rochelle. My 7 year old explained it to me. She said they will be home schooled. Good for you Cait.
Also I am involved with the high school playoffs in the area. No fans, no parents, empty gyms but a TV pickup on line. The administrator with the key to the building is MVP.


Yet, do you feel lucky? Well do you?


If we have to wait until then? When is “then”?

You hope the NCAA’s action help people focus.
I don’t share your optimism.
You replied ‘‘wait until the sickness and death starts piling up’’
If we have wait until the body counts start piling up, today’s action by the NCAA will have failed in getting people to focus.