NC GOPer Likened Repealing LGBTQ Protections To Rescuing Jews

After finding what I came for at the Library today, I wanted to browse some French history, lit, culture type books. Library had just been remodeled so I asked the young man at reference to show me where to look. We go the area on the shelves for things French and I begin to pull out books that may be of interest. This guy; 20-something, short, heavy set, pasty white, reddish curly hair and beard, round spectacles, reaches for a book on the above shelf and says, I read this book last year and it was really good, do you like WW2? I recommend it. It was a book on Adolph fucking Eichmann. WTF? So, I said, Eichmann, the Nazi? I don’t want to read about any damn Nazi’s, we have enough of those idiots running around today. He was nice at my response, but scurried off quickly and left me to my browsing. WTF is it with young men today and their damn Nazi’s?


This is another huge loss for the Living Memory of all humanity. She was a tireless, flesh-and-blood witness for those to whom the Shoah was only black-and-white photographs in ancient books. She never stopped, recording her final interview, shortly before her death, in a McDonald’s at Auschwitz.

I suppose her most unexpected revelation was that THERE’S A MCDONALD’S AT AUSCHWITZ!!!

(Is there nothing that corporate America cannot monetize for consumer profit?)


Imagine this legislator showing up to Pride. “Hey I’m coming to liberate you just like Oskar Schindler did!”


In publishing the places where there’s no logical connection so it all makes sense are called “holes” in the story. Of which I notice with irritation there are several gaping ones here. I imagine Bishop used the term “expressive creativity” to refer to the expression of your First Amendment rights in opposing the bill, or trans people using the preferred bathroom or whatever. And I suppose also the lobbyist is a dope and thought the reference was just to people who work as “creatives,” but I don’t actually know either of those things.

ETA The HuffPo piece explains the exchange.


Hurt feelings of religious people. That need protection. In the bathrooms.


Designate the Southern POVERTY Law Center a hate group? Good luck with that. Bishop, a ‘good christian’, is destined for hell. WWJD with the evangelical taliban?

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I read this yesterday, was so very moved it, but sharing obits can be unsettling at the very least so I was reluctant until, as happens too often, clueless pols talk so casually of the Holocaust.


Let me guess: A certain person in the White House. Some Bill O’Reilly novels. He’s a follower of Seb Gorka?

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Looked a bit like Gorka now that you mention it.


My husband’s cousin lives in Alabama. She’s the most ridiculously hateful, biased person I’ve ever met, all in Jesus’ name, of course. During Obama’s first campaign, she e-mailed us a steady stream of the usual right-wing reality-lite racist silliness about him. My husband finally had to tell her to stop e-mailing us altogether. By the way, she has a PhD. So much for education’s power to elevate and broaden a person’s thinking.


"…McDonald’s at Auschwitz… " Holy shit! Sounds like a sick joke. Money in genocide.

Conflating bigotry and discrimination with creativity, defending the victimized, and professionalism? Please let this man keep opening his mouth or releasing his actual statements.

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Good Christ.

(If you’ll pardon the expression.)

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Could be both, @old_curmudgeon, could be both.

Not a one.

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Channel 13 in NYC recently showed a documentary on her and her twin sisters’ lives. May she rest in peace.


Peeing on the leg of a hate-filled NC legislature to demonstrate disgust for his eagerness to discriminate against all “others” would be an act of expressive creativity.


our PBS just ran a show on her last month

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I’m not the “@writenow” I’m just “writenow.”

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If he doesn’t address you that way, you do not get notification of his reply to you.

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