And the militant elements embedded in legit police forces ala the photos above showing beat cops wearing military combat gear. All surplus from the “war on terror” abroad while far right militias grow more terroristically threatening here and the cops are infiltrated with authoritarians getting out of the military and looking for employment that will keep the power rush alive.
Ducey. Up here we have Dunleavy. GOPers who have reached the Peter Principal level of incompetence. Ducey needs to go back to his old job making super expensive ice cream cones.
Politico has a pretty comprehensive report on how hollowed out U.S. agencies have become:
Worse still, the DHS was formed specifically to coordinate intelligence and threat responses. Who could imagine that this “administration” would screw things up so thoroughly?
All of these assholes pointing fingers at each other. Meanwhile ALL OF THEM SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE. Capitol Police didn’t need the FBI to tip them off. This was out in the open. You’re telling me you don’t have a single fucking clue when people are publicly threatening the building you’re in charge of? You’re all fucking fired. Everyone. Start from scratch. Only people who get to keep their jobs are the ones we can see fighting on 1/6/21.
But the country’s main federal law enforcement body, the FBI, appears to have also failed to recognize the scale of the planned attack before it took place.
And yet
What gives?
How much of what happened was racism-based denial and other criminal stupidity? And how much was deliberate coup attempt involving law enforcement, DOD, and the President?
" The FBI’s D.C. field office received a failing grade on a 2018 internal assessment of its ability to combat domestic terrorism, NBC reports."
Feature, not a bug.
No surprise here: This was- after-all The Jeff Sessions’ DOJ who was busy CREATING a Domestic Terrorism group : The Black Identity Extremist Movement.
During testimony (I believe at a House Judiciary Committee hearing), he was asked about Domestic Terrorism and could only name this one- which didn’t exist-except in his mind.
Hard to believe, but the FBI have been producing reports and testifying to congress about white supremacists and rights wing terrorism for 10 years or so. Not sure why they can’t figure out how to get useful intel to the people who need to get it.
Headline should read: Only six in ten… and reveals that 2/3 of Republicans reject democracy.
Thanks to George Bush’s incompetence 20-some muslim flight school students were ignored, and they got lucky. That sparked I don’t know how many hot wars and and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on homeland security. Why? $$. A whole lot of small-time entrepreneurs earned millions and big corporations earned billions because war is the world’s oldest racket, and homeland security against imagined invading hordes is America’s newest racket. The white supremacist militia movement was always a bigger long-term threat here at home: we knew that from the days of Timothy McVeigh. But just as spending billions on a guaranteed-to-fail militarized drug war in Mexico and Colombia generates more pure profit than spending anything on drug treatment in our cities, same with going after home-grown white supremacists. Unless corporate America can figure out a way to profit from it, the priority will always be low. Yes, racism is obviously also a huge part of the explanation. But mostly it’s the Benjamins.
Absolutely right. Thinking specifically of the NY office. It’s deep-seated from decades of right wing saturation.
It’s a start. And supposedly it’s much harder to buy ammonium nitrate in quantity - doesn’t mean it’s impossible though.