White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Sunday combatively defended President Trump over his move to sign a flurry of coronavirus relief executive orders at his golf club in Bedminister, New Jersey.
“The Lord and the Founding Fathers created executive orders because of partisan bickering and divided government,” Navarro said. “That’s what we have here, but the President has taken action.”
Lord Trump? He can’t really be suggesting God created executive orders can he?
“The Lord and the Founding Fathers created executive orders because of partisan bickering and divided government,” Navarro said. “That’s what we have here, but the President has taken action”
If you listen to the Bash interview of Kudlow you come away with the impression that the Executive Orders are all smoke and mirrors. There is little chance anyone in the public will receive a dime except they will issue new withholding tables that won’t call for payment of the deferred payroll taxes. The payroll tax short fall is a deferral only and will have to be paid back in the future.
"“The Lord and the Founding Fathers created executive orders because of partisan bickering and divided government,” Navarro said. “That’s what we have here, but the President has taken action.”
Navarro pushed back by touting that Trump is “the hardest-working President in history” and that “he works 24/7” before launching into a tirade against Capitol Hill.
“Yea, verily, I say unto thee, wait a couple thousand years, found a government in a land let to be espied, establish it with disproportionate representation for those who till the soil in sparsely populated tracts of land, and create executive orders with which a ruddy-hued bloviator of that distant day might express his will over the objections of a bicameral legislature.”
If being stupid, vindictive and corrupt required an effort on trump’s part, I would agree with Ron Vara here. But that stuff comes naturally to the Dotard.
“The Lord and the Founding Fathers created executive orders because of partisan bickering and divided government,” Navarro said. “That’s what we have here, but the President has taken action.”