National Security Adviser Says ‘Of Course’ Trump Will Transfer Power If He Loses Election | Talking Points Memo

He won’t, he’ll go onto the speaking tour and pack them shoulder to shoulder and they will all yell and scream “lock them up”… the rubes will no doubt fork over their cash to the tune of $100K per 10 minute “speech”.

All this talk about transferring power is just an attempt to suppress the vote, which is failing badly. Trump will leave, start his own TV network, which will bleed cash, and try to run again in 2024.


He didn’t win when most folks just thought he’d be a shitty president. Now that we all know it without a doubt and most admit it, I cann’t see him having any chance to win this time. I mean the only folks that still like him and go to his rallies are the folks that are dumb enough to believe a lot of the shit he says and don’t care if the the rest is BS even if they know it’s BS. They just don’t want anyone that will help nonwhites even if it hurts them. They just assume it will hurt them less so they will still be somewhat more privileged.


“If he loses the election, I’m certain the president will transfer power over,”

Thanks for the shit framing, you fucking clown. He’s not a king. The Constitution provides for the transfer of power. Whether Donald J. Trump angrily shits his pants or for once acts like a big boy really doesn’t matter in the greater scheme of things.


By the voters as you said and by the Constitution he publicly swore to “preserve, protect and defend”. Praps the oath of office needs the words “and obey” added to thst phrase. With 44 other men it was assumed they understood that. But not this guy.


What would the procedure be to remove him if he refused. That might be almost as fun to watch as Trump losing it in the debate tonight. God I hope he loses it and makes, no shows, what a complete and utter fool he is. Man got to get started on the pop corn!


Pop corn? I moved on to peanuts with local pecans and macadamias in my own “house” nut mix.
If the election is a clear landslide and the Electoral College concurs in December when they meet to vote then trump is out of options that would be legal. Further thought expetiments from that point get really ugly really fast.


You could also write “Hey Donald J. Trump this means you” but it wouldn’t make a difference. He’s never read one word of the Constitution. Someone once told him Article II spells out a broad array of powers and what he heard was that it allows him to do anything he wants. That’s the extent of his knowledge of the Constitution.


Trump cannot “transfer power”, because he will have no power to transfer once his term ends. Chief Justice Roberts will swear in the next president on January 20 and that will be the end of his power.


And can you compare this feed of what election officials are doing to previous feeds? Like how do you know that they’re not rerunning a past election process? Huh, did you ever think of that smart man? :wink:


What’s the recorder’s office budget for band aids? :grinning:

And amendment 2 = gunz… becuz.
You are right. Trump is not known for reading much or for his reading comprehension.


I alternate with sesame and pumpkin seeds good cereal like grape nuts and great grains and finish off with a dessert of kid cereals like frosted wheat and reese’s puffs cereal and then real dessert of ice cream, chocolate moose tracks is my favorite! Not usually all those but some combination.

It’ ok… everyone is masked and has gloves on
Something close to 160,000 mail in ballots have been processed so far. That is way ahead of the 2016 election and also our primary election in August.


And then he becomes:


So no finger prints, damn that’s make investigating the fraud harder.

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The live webcam is boring but instructive.

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“Of course he’s going to accept the results of the election in the event of a loss. Don’t listen to what the president days. Sheesh!”

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I think it’s 50-50 that he will defect to some other country. Suspect he has plans and commitment(s). NY AG will cut his balls off even if Pence pardons him. I think it’s 100% he’ll resign after the election is settled in favor of Biden.

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We’ll see. That is an interesting scenario. I don’t think narcissists ever leave.