Nadler: Mueller Testimony Was ‘Inflection Point’ In Trump Saga

House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY) on Sunday described special counsel Robert Mueller’s congressional hearing as an “inflection point” in possible impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

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Somebody needs to do an edit of the Mueller hearings; sort of a ‘greatest hits of the hearing’. Or, actually, two edits:

  1. All of the damning answers Mueller gave (with the questions), minus the crosstalk (and republican screaming)

  2. Another edit of only the republicans screaming gibberish.

Make each one no longer than 5 minutes, and distribute to everyone on Twitter, as well as every news room. Make them what the hearings should have been.


Ok, Dems. It’s go time.


Rachel Maddow did # 1 on her show Wednesday & Thursday.


Hey #moscowmitch, this nation’s eyes are increasingly focused on YOU!


"“It doesn’t seem to have been an inflection point for many house Democrats,” Tapper pointed out. “Why do you think that is?”

Pundits like Tapper talking points for the upcoming week.


We’ll know just how much of an “inflection point” the hearings were IF Speaker Pelosi announces she’s cutting short the August recess and re-convening the House for intensified investigative hearings, i.e., McGahn, Lewandowski, Hicks, et al.


Squirm, Dumb Dumb, squirm.



Nadler’sbrief requesting the Grand Jury material says flat out that there is an ongoing impeachment investigation – and is invoking impeachment powers by claiming that he is acting “preliminarily to…a judicial process”.

The accompanying report by the House Committee on Rules explains that this
authority is intended to facilitate the Committee’s ongoing investigation, whose purpose includes assessing “whether to recommend ‘articles of impeachment with respect to the President or any
other Administration official.’”

Yet Nadler won’t say flat out in these kinds of interviews he’s invoked impeachment, or that there is an impeachment investigation.

I don’t think its a good idea to be saying one thing to a judge-- and trying to obscure the issue outside of a judicial setting.

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Those videos are already floating around social media (Twitter/FB). HJC has put a few up that are pretty good.


Don’t look at pointless symbolic movements like that to judge whether investigations are happening. Just because the House is not in session doesn’t mean that all the staffers just went on vacation or something. They continue to work, investigations continue. Nadler’s folks are going to court on Monday or Tuesday about McGahn, for example.


Agreed. I wonder if Dems will hear much at recess town halls AGAINST impeachment. Seems like they will hear the opposite from constituents, right? It’s time to be bold on this. They can point to plenty of bills they have passed since Jan for the American people (at least, in the House).


He’s spelling it out so the (bad seed) children in the room won’t hear (#IQ45). Impressed that Nadler is doing his job instead of listening to the beltway bimbos (Chuck Todd) who say Muller Low Energy Nothing to See Here Give Up Dems Sad.


Excellent point.


I do agree it’s best to get all the information out there on Trump. Certainly doesn’t do Americans much good with a portion of what Trump has done. Citizens deserves to get the full spectrum of what motivated Trump to do this. It’s MONEY of course, but we need to know his CORRUPTED CONNECTIONS.

The MONEY is he only outstanding subject!


It’s not an inflection point until Chief Optics Officer Upchuck Toady says it’s an inflection point.


@khyber900 has already done an excellent job of breaking down the obstruction parts


Dems are finally having the right conversation. Nadler looked like he was having fun on ABC and CNN talking impeachment. I like it too.

The MSM wants to suppress an honest discussion of the public polling on this matter, but the fact is that before Mueller testified, it was 74% Dem, 40% indie, 7% GOP in support of impeachment. Fox confirmed that with their poll showing 42% support for impeachment nationwide and fairly similar numbers across the groups. That is a much higher baseline than the Clinton or Nixon impeachments btw at similar stages.

The ABC poll today is a master class in hiding the ball, but it shows that Dems were net positively influenced to support impeachment post-Mueller. The largest group of undecided voters on this matter is Dems. So it stands to reason that Dem support has probably now climbed from the 74% average to probably over 80% average (which is where the Civiqs poll has been for a few months). If all the polls start to reflect this trend, then the nationwide support for impeachment would essentially be at 44-47 and depending on your sample it could be a range of +/- 5 points from that. That’s basically a statistical tie in many of the permutations of such margins. That’s not good for the incumbent because a lot of those who are opposed to impeachment aren’t going to vote for him anyway because they are Dems and Dem leaning Indies. The fact that impeachment is out there really limits the risk of 3rd party defections from the Dem coalition and it prevents Trump from peeling off Indies or getting his reach voters back. Even the talk of impeachment is bad for Trump. It is being normalized that he is impeachable and has committed impeachable acts as we speak.