Musk Leans Into MAGA's Make-It-Up-As-We-Go Tradition

Originally published at: Musk Leans Into MAGA’s Make-It-Up-As-We-Go Tradition - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Last month, TPM reporter Emine Yücel was up on Capitol Hill attempting to pin down House Republicans on a topic that few wanted to directly discuss: whether or not the Republican conference as a whole was willing to act on recent pronouncements from a few vocal, far-right members that the party would look into sweeping…

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His voters fully understood that 95% of what Trump was saying was bullshit. As long as Trump is mean to the people he is supposed to be mean to, namely anyone who is not white or queer, his voters will stand behind him.


Elon Musk is what Mexicans call a Pájaro Nalgón (Big Ass Bird). Someone that talks big, but never delivers anything other than excuses. You know someone like his best pal Donald Trump.


Here in San Francisco, America Mexicana, we call him “pájaro pedorro” but that’s a Northern Mexico thing.


I’m in the mood to make a wild prediction. These guys who imagine their vast wealth will buffer them from life’s inevitabilities will, as ancient wisdom reminds, fall into the pit they’ve dug for others. Cosmic arc of justice and all that.


“But the devil is in the details, until you get there and hear both sides … I don’t know,” Norman said,

There are a lot of Republicans already there. So what have they been doing all this time.

Oh right, never mind.


I guess Putin told Trump that, even when Trump cuts off all support for Ukraine on day one, it’ll still take 100 days to kill the entire Ukrainian population.


How can people be this completely fucking blind? They are literally taking money from you, Mr. MAGA to give it to a guy with $356B fucking dollars.


Back in December he was worth $400 billion.
Elon Musk’s net worth tops $400B, Forbes billionaires list shows - 2024-12-12/


Social Security and Medicare are not budget line items, and neither is interest on the national debt. Anyway, Trump is the one Republican promising not to steal from retirees. You don’t think he would betray his own supporters?


tRump doesn’t care about his MAGAts. If he could take from them to give to his billionaire friends he would. I don’t think he can though. Many of them are on SS and Medicare and it’s probably the only line in a self flagellating sand they won’t allow him to cross. They’d let him rape and eat their daughter though.


Total gobbledegook: “freeing up the economy” is pseudo-libertarian drivel and, absent context, “dropping the budget deficit” could hinder growth rather than foster it or have no direct effect at all; ditto for inflation. It’s like a mantra with these clowns, magic words to achieve a magical or, in this case, “epic” outcome all of which is left largely undefined: (a) to hide the fact it is undefinable in the terms they use and (b) to mask the usual agenda of these gluttonous jackanapes which invariably boils down to some form of theft.

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ― Frédéric Bastiat


Anyone else seeing a similarity between that photo of Musk and all those photos of Trump in which he’s scowling and trying to look like a dangerous alpha male? I see the incoming administration as a bunch of broligarchs sitting around in a circle trying to out-tough each other and win the prize. And you know the best analogy for that.


Many of my people are not blind, they hate.
My uneducated life style was my choice and I don’t blame anyone that I am not rich and famous. They do not look at their lives the same way.
They have not been recognized for whatever so now Trump has helped them become victims.
Please remember this is some not all and I know many with college degrees who feel the same.


Money doesn’t buy happiness but it sure does buy a social circle of nobody who will kick your nuts and tell you to shut the heck up, you dirty rat bastard lying sack of dog doo.


How much is it worth to him?

Honestly, does he need his supporters anymore? He’s term-limited, he’s not going to jail or prison any time soon, if ever. What does he need them for? They’re expendable, now. Just like the J6 folks - he has no further use for them.


Something about jerks in a circle? Do I win a prize?


If he takes their SS, they won’t be able to donate to his latest PAC or buy his crappy merchandise.


Norman: we’ll sit around eating taxpayer-funded lunch and watching porn until his highness comes in and barks some new insane shit, then we’ll jump up and get ChatGPT to write a bill, and then when it comes back from the bot with a note that says “you can’t do this, it’s not logically possible even if it wasn’t so fucking stupid,” we’ll go on talk shows and say Dems aren’t willing to work with us.


Painful yet accurate