Musk Encourages People To Post About Voter Fraud, Playing Into Conspiracy Theories

Originally published at: Musk Encourages People To Post About Voter Fraud, Playing Into Conspiracy Theories

With just two weeks to go until Election Day, billionaire Trump-backer Elon Musk is encouraging people to post about anything they suspect might be voter fraud on his social media platform X. “Be very loud about it if you have any concerns,” Musk said at a Pittsburgh rally on Sunday, while answering an audience question…

He’s back, churning the pot.

King of the Incels.


Chumming the waters I think is more apt.


Dear Mr. Musk
I’d like to report an absolutely absurd, unheard of level of election interference by…YOU!!!


Ten years ago this guy was one of my heroes - now he is one of my nightmares. It is like watching a friend transform into a werewolf.
He has become a real monster - what are they going to do with him if Kamala wins?


Elon Musk was a good Democrat when he needed Government to subsidized what would have otherwise been a dismal business failure, Tesla. That is until a short time ago, Tesla was dependent on Government to subsidize both purchases of Tesla and the business itself. Now that he is able to stand on his own feet and thanks to Government is a very rich person, he is indeed a different person.

But to posting about voter fraud, the biggest voter fraud is voter suppression. That is if I were to ever post on his site, my post would be:

This is to alert everyone, as encouraged by Elon Musk himself, the attempts at voter fraud by Musk himself and Donald Trump of trying to keep American citizens from exercising their constitutional rights to vote. In my opinion, Mr. Musk should be in jail and lose his business for this un-American attempt to keep Americans from voting through lies and intimidation.


“Unmoderated posts alleging voter fraud…” and unsubstantiated posts.

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“Be very loud about it if you have any concerns,” Musk said at a Pittsburgh rally on Sunday

Ok, here’s one:


Really? Is he going to give all the money back he made from computer programs? There’s not much left if you take computer programs away from PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, and Xitter. Wow!


Elon, can I call you Elon? Elmo, did you see what happened today to your friend Rudy Giuliani? Do you want that to happen to you? I’m asking, because you are doing everything you can to end up there. There are lawyers with the testicular fortitude required to sue you, and they will if you keep going down this route of spreading disinformation. You will make the same mistake that Rudy made, and it will cost you everything.

Elmo, this is America. Your apartheid era arrogance will be the end of you.


Elon stuck his neck out there and now it is going to feel the blade. He should have kept his mouth shut. Fool.


Either their internal polling is leading them to take ever more desperate risks, or they are 100% sure that with their money and a compromised Supreme Council they are untouchable. Of course it could be a little of both.


And after Elmo made his announcement on X and established the non-moderated election fraud forum, Putin made a call to his Head of Internet Trolling and they went to work.


Musk needs to kick his ketamine habit before it gets him into real trouble: greater psychological disassociation is the last thing a selfish, manipulative ass with white-supremacy delusions needs.


Need to lawsuit him for everything he owns.


Elmo just set up people to post about election interference/ voter fraud, confusingly believing they will earn millions. People will set up scenarios to chase that money.

Officials will get to blame him for every fake incident.

Unscrupulous scumbag.