Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday night.
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Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday night.
"…including by paying more taxes, is simply not something we are interested in doing,”
How about following the rule of law? Or constitutionally mandated oversight? Or showing any shred of honor or integrity? Are those things you have any interest in doing?
Thought not.
Don’t worry, you’ll be back to caring about deficits in less than a year.
No sht, Sherlock. You only ‘care’ when you think the brown man might get credit for saving this country.
Well, color me shocked and surprised!
Mulvaney said on Wednesday night that while the deficit is “extraordinarily disturbing,” the GOP is “evolving” on the issue thanks to Trump.
Trump had nothing to do with it. It’s been the GOP position before he appeared on the scene.
In 2002, Vice-President Dick Cheney and the Bush administration’s economic team met to discuss a second round of tax cuts, which would follow Bush’s 2001 cuts. At the meeting, “then-Treasury Secretary Paul H. O’Neill pleaded that the government — already running a $158 billion deficit — was careening toward a fiscal crisis.” Allegedly, Cheney replied by saying that “deficits don’t matter.”
Six years later, the Bush administration’s consistent belief that deficits don’t matter has increased the national debt to over $10 trillion. This is the highest dollar amount ever, and pushes the debt to 69% of the gross domestic product, which is the highest percentage since 1955.
It’s dumbfounding to me that he would state this obvious political position without offering a single substantive explanation as to why down is up now. So the effects of policy differ depending on which party is in charge???
How can that be? There is absolutely no guiding set of principles. Where’s all the Paul Ryan-Ayn Rand objectivism? Gone. Poof.
The question now should be —so what do you do when things turn negative now that you’re exhausting your flexibility with the economy essentially at full employment? They are running the Country just like the Trump Organization —hoping to just walk away and
Change the narrative at the first sign of a problem. Buffoons. Only the electorate is dumber than that, apparently.
Is Mick going off script again? Doesn’t seem to know that the “open mouth, insert truth foot” tactic is frowned upon under Dear Donnie.
He does have a way of blurting out the truth.
Every national political reporter should be required to have Mulvaney’s comments tattooed on the back of their hands, so that when they sit down to write about tax and spend liberals, they can remind themselves. Again. And again.
And if Republicans wants to tackle the deficit they inflated, they won’t do it with a pollution tax that would help combat climate change, according to Mulvaney.
“We take the position in my party that asking people to change their lifestyle dramatically, including by paying more taxes, is simply not something we are interested in doing,” he said.
But we have no problem cutting back Medicaid, reducing SNAP benefits, and insisting that wage stagnation is not a thing if you work hard, pull yourself by your bootstraps, and then see “you’ll be a Republican attending a Prosperity Gospel church”.
“We take the position in my party that asking people to change their lifestyle dramatically, including by paying more taxes, is simply not something we are interested in doing,” he said.
My position is evolving from torches and pitchforks to guillotines.
Everybody save that quote. Keep the date and details. From now on, never let these scumbags snivel in your ear about the deficit ever again.
It’s like Democrats are on the honor system and Republicans regard that system as simply a head start toward domination and thievery. The destruction of the middle class and subsequent vacuuming up of all that money to the upper class is only bad if you are one of the poor fools at the bottom.
Not a week goes by that I don’t get a phone call or a mailer from someone offering to buy my house sight unseen. The last time this was happening was 2008. Let’s talk again after the next crash and burn - right after they make the banks whole and pass more laws making it impossible to stay solvent if you are a paycheck to paycheck family. I am sure more tax cuts will make everyone feel better as we watch the Republican miracle of taking away money magically creating more money than was taken away.
And as soon as a Dem is back in the White House, the Republicans will “evolve” right back to thinking deficits are “the worst thing in the world.” It’s standard operating practice.
Condensed version:
“My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House,” the acting chief of staff said. “The worst thing in the whole world is deficits when Barack Obama was the President.”
I am totally shocked, it would never even occurred to me such phoniness and hypocrisy…bring me the fainting couch!!!
The uniform of the GOP–
Live long and prosper isn’t an option!
“We take the position in my party that asking people to change their lifestyle dramatically, including by paying more taxes, is simply not something we are interested in doing,” he said.
But Donnie does it all the time.