Mueller On Stone’s Commutation | Talking Points Memo

There are already churchgoing folk here who’ve said their kids call them hypocrites, don’t respect them at all and refuse to go to church. I have heard “ah…it’s just a phase. She or he will outgrow it .”

But then there’s the grandkids.

A bible-banger that I happen to know (mainly cause he lives down the block and I helped his wife shovel out his car once) got really pensive when I asked how his first grandchild was. After a while he told me his firstborn, Dustin, wouldn’t allow them to see the kid. It was because they were hypocrites, pure and simple.

He was hurt. The kid will be two in October and they have NEVER seen him.

This does not sound like a phase


In fact Trump referrred to Mueller’s testimony the next day in his infamous Ukraine shakedown phone call, saying something along the line that the investigation was ridiculous and the testimony just proved how weak Mueller was. It actively emboldened him.


My 5- and 6-year-old grandsons do it mostly at times I perceive them feeling a little concerned or worried.

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@george_spiggott : Ask me “What’s the most important thing in comedy?”
@squirreltown: “What’s the most important thing in…
@george_spiggott: “Timing!”
@squirreltown: …comedy?”


You mean his position on a masked Kim for her next “leaked” porn vid?

Where was THIS Robert S. Mueller, III when it really mattered:

[…But the playing field has changed. We have seen a shift from regional families with a clear structure, to flat, fluid networks with global reach. These international enterprises are more anonymous and more sophisticated. Rather than running discrete operations, on their own turf, they are running multi-national, multi-billion dollar schemes from start to finish.

We are investigating groups in Asia, Eastern Europe, West Africa, and the Middle East. And we are seeing cross-pollination between groups that historically have not worked together. Criminals who may never meet, but who share one thing in common: greed.

They may be former members of nation-state governments, security services, or the military. These individuals know who and what to target, and how best to do it. They are capitalists and entrepreneurs. But they are also master criminals who move easily between the licit and illicit worlds. And in some cases, these organizations are as forward-leaning as Fortune 500 companies.

This is not “The Sopranos,” with six guys sitting in a diner, shaking down a local business owner for $50 dollars a week. These criminal enterprises are making billions of dollars from human trafficking, health care fraud, computer intrusions, and copyright infringement. They are cornering the market on natural gas, oil, and precious metals, and selling to the highest bidder.

These crimes are not easily categorized. Nor can the damage, the dollar loss, or the ripple effects be easily calculated. It is much like a Venn diagram, where one crime intersects with another, in different jurisdictions, and with different groups.

How does this impact you? You may not recognize the source, but you will feel the effects. You might pay more for a gallon of gas. You might pay more for a luxury car from overseas. You will pay more for health care, mortgages, clothes, and food.

Yet we are concerned with more than just the financial impact. These groups may infiltrate our businesses. They may provide logistical support to hostile foreign powers. They may try to manipulate those at the highest levels of government. Indeed, these so-called “iron triangles” of organized criminals, corrupt government officials, and business leaders pose a significant national security threat…]


There were some savvy observers that warned not to expect Mueller to save us. We had to do it by having our elected Dems hold the fort as best they can and then for us to vote Trump and as many of the GOP out of office.

And that’s the path we’re on now.

While the pandemic (and the BLM movement) have revealed the rotten nature of Trump and the GOP to even more people, making winning both the White House and the Senate easier, I firmly believe we were going to do it anyway.

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Sure the Never Trumpers would support Romney, along with a lot of independents, but the Republican base won’t. Mitt’s impeachment vote was equivalent to political suicide nationally. He’s now persona non grata. There are even large numbers of Rs in Utah pissed at Mitt over his vote. Mitt’s only hope now is that the Party crashes so bad in the next election that after a few years he’ll be begged back in. But probably wishful thinking, even for Never Trumpers. Trump has succeeded in making sure Romney is politically toxic among the party base voters for a long time. Romney might have a better shot by changing parties, but then he might not ever get re-elected in Utah.

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Well, when the ones in charge are as crooked as a country mile…

“Cut across Fatty, Fatty cut across”, that’s what Miss Lindsey said:

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I note that Roger accepted Jesus into his life a few months ago. This cleared a hurdle with the Trump base as to Roger’s incorrigibility and recidivist tendencies. Now apparently, they have swallowed it all with gusto, a deep state-battling personal-redemption story. I guess Trumpism is to political life what fried food is to nutrition.

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Yep. This nightmare vision of the Never Trumpers carrying Romney across the finish line is just an effort to imagine a future abuse to add to their past ones because some folks don’t want to say anything nice about what they’re doing at present, which is tearing Trump into pieces. Me, I’m all about the outcomes, and they’re helping us with the only one that matters.


Amen to that.

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