MTG Decides It’s Worth Bucking Trump To Watch Dems … Do What They Already Announced They’d Do

After Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) declared House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) the “Democrat Speaker of the House” on Twitter Tuesday, the newly-inducted Republican National Committee co-chair Michael Whatley sat Greene down and asked her nicely to cut it out with the whole motion to vacate thing.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

In legislative speak, is tabling the motion where they just voice vote like the Senate or something, or will this move get names next to votes which she seems to be threatening?


“ “He said, one, this is not helpful, and two, we want to expand and grow the majority in the House,” a person familiar with the discussion told Politico. “He was clear that any disruption to the conference on these efforts — including filing this — does not help the case for party unity.”

The message was not received, according to Politico. She told the Donald Trump-handpicked RNC leader that there was plenty of time for another speakership ousting, and for Americans to then forget about it, before the election. She also reportedly mentioned that Trump himself had communicated the same message to her personally earlier in the day Tuesday and she had no plans of budging.”

MTG and other anarchic, nihilistic bomb throwers will behave like the anarchic, nihilistic bomb throwers they are.

MTG reminds me of the scorpion in the parable of the frog and the scorpion - do a good deed for the scorpion and get stung for your effort.


Please stop with these erroneous apostrophes! Didn’t your editors go to grammar school?

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“She told the Donald Trump-handpicked RNC leader that there was plenty of time for another speakership ousting, and for Americans to then forget about it, before the election.”

Greene continued, “Heck, I bet we could probably choose, vilify, and then dump three or four speakers in the next six months, if we bear down a little. Nobody’s gonna notice.”

Not everybody has your miniature attention span, Marge.


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[MTG] told the Donald Trump-handpicked RNC leader that there was plenty of time for another speakership ousting, and for Americans to then forget about it, before the election.

She doesn’t know us very well, do she??

“Next week I am gonna be callin’ this motion to vacate. Absolutely calling it.”

She really is full of herself, isn’t she? I bet she doesn’t do it.

“Upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said in the statement, alongside his deputies Reps. Katherine Clark (D-MA) and Pete Aguilar (D-CA).

Love it, love it, love it!!!


I believe that if there are enough votes to table a motion, it gets set aside until some point in the future before it is actually considered for a vote.

Not sure the mechanism to “untable” the motion, so could be there for…um…ever??


A little OT but. Been listening to discussions about AMI money that went out to the doorman and McDougal then Pecker told trump he wasn’t a bank (apparently there was an agreement that trump would reimburse then didn’t. Kinda like he so often ignored other payments due.) and wouldn’t ship the $$$ to Stormy.
trump then kept putting off shipping the $130K to Stormy’s lawyer thinking if they got thru the election nothing would matter and he would be $130 to the good. Access Hollywood happened and the environment changed drastically. Cohen then took it on himself to take out $130K home improvement loan and ship the $$ to Davidson.
I gotta wonder, if trump had lost the election would he have made Cohen whole and better on the money or would he have stiffed him like he did so many others.


This is like infrastructure week.


Where can I get a MUGA hat?


“…newly-inducted Republican National Committee co-chair Michael Whatley…”

“Congratulations, Mr. Whatley – here’s your toilet plunger, running shoes, and QuikClot. Good luck!”


I noticed that in the photo, but I don’t know it means???

Never Mind…I see it’s listed in the caption, but I still don’t get her “point” – I thought she wanted Ukraine to be “restored” to Russia??? (And I am NOT going to listen to her “announcement”(???) to find out)

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She also reportedly mentioned that Trump himself had communicated the same message to her personally earlier in the day Tuesday and she had no plans of budging.”

So – do we believe Trump did this or not?


It is all performance art all of the time for Marge. It is all she does. On the other hand, maybe the GOP being in constant disarray makes it easier to flip the House.


Uh, where do you see erroneous apostrophes? I just re-read the whole article and it seems grammatically up to snuff.


I suspect Trump told Moscow Marge to continue pressing the promise of a MTV. The Dotard and his master Putin revel in chaos.


Remember the good old days, when freshman and sophomore members of the House were unknown outside their local districts? I long for a return to those days.


I know the site managers on here are essentially children, so without letting us use the c-word, you make it impossible for us to comment on this stupid cow.

Of course he would have stiffed Cohen. That goes without saying.