A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
Kevin McCarthy’s struggle to nail down the speakership is powering venomous recriminations among far-right members who have split over his candidacy. Sad to see it.
Rep. Chip Roy and 12 other House Republicans declare WAR on Republican senators who vote with Democrats on massive spending bill
13 @HouseGOP to @SenateGOP: “…we are obliged to inform you that if any omnibus passes in the remaining days of this Congress, we will oppose and whip opposition to any legislative priority of those senators who vote for this bill – including the… leader.”#StandUpForAmericapic.twitter.com/AVAHmESbKF
As someone who has criticized the DOJ for moving slowly, I have felt a certain sense of vindication in seeing Adam Schiff, who is obiviously not some knee-jerk, hyperbolic whiner state that he feels the DOJ has moved slowly. Also, Ari Melber commented on an MSNBC panel that if the DOJ doesn’t act after all the evidence the J6 Committee has presented them, what would move them to act? As we of the perpetual whiners ™ caucus have repeatedly argued, this ultimately comes down to a political decision.