Who will rid us of his troublesome gasbag?
They have insisted he needs to keep working and are looking to find him a secpnd job as well.
He was also in very poor form after the NV debate, interviewing Klobuchar, setting her up as the victim of vicious attacks from Mayor Pete, who had finally stood up to the snark she’s been tossing his way for months.
To be fair, Elizabeth Warren has made a lot of men (and some women as well) look foolish.
He needs to raise his game 10%. It’s just willpower is all it is.
Spittlemmeister Matthews and Lickspittlemeister Todd.
Get rid of them both!!!
I’ve found Chris Matthews to be unwatchable for quite a long time, due to his proclivity for asking a question of a guest, then immediately interrupting them without allowing them to complete a sentence or a thought.
But now, he’s an embarrassment to himself and his network. He should retire or be fired.
What’s it going to take, NBC? Matthews dropping his pants and mooning the audience?
The guy’s gone, replaced by serial punchlines.
“They all look the same” – Chris
Right or wrong, I’ve always cut Matthews extra slack for his missteps and phrasing. Maybe it’s bc I have a fondness for the old hard boiled detective novels or my Boston Irish roots but he seemed, frequently wrong but no worse than +/- 90% of anchors.
His deficits seemed to be balanced out by the fact he’s one of the few who’ll interrupt (many say too much) and call b.s. (some say selectively). And as I’ve mentioned, his style.
But it’s just gotten to be too much.
For a guy who’s on tv 5 days a week for years, you’d think he would’ve adjusted to non-white males no longer being a novelty.
And it’s really hard to figure that Bassett isn’t correct here. Not just in regards to sexism but racism. He did the same harping on trump’s racism in 2016.
“There was no reason for him to harp on its veracity, except, perhaps, that he himself has made so many sexist comments over the years that he has a vested interest in Bloomberg being let off the hook,” Bassett wrote.
It’s not this instance. One could argue Harrison looks like a mildly chubbier Scott. But would he have made that mistake with a white candidate & US Senator? In his line of work, Scott should be a familiar face.
I’m done giving Matthews a pass.
This is his job, he gets paid daymn well for it & it’s his own daymn fault for not figuring this shit out.
It’s like he thinks just because by 1960s standards he’s not racist/sexist we should all give him a pass. He just seems like an entitled jerk.
(& the Bernie/socialist scare stuff is ridiculous. He’s making me think Chuck Todd is ok & that’s unforgivable)
I think Chris Mathews suffers from the same kind of dementia trump has. Unfortunately for us, we have to listen to both of these impaired idiots.
Somehow, Chris hasn’t been quite up to par since his cancer surgery and treatment last fall.
The jokes just right themselves with these yahoos.
I found Matthews tiresome a long time ago, but stopped watching him altogether after his fawning over W’s “Mission Accomplished” codpiece. He practically orgasmed on air confessing to “a thrill up [his] leg” when he heard Obama speak. Way too much information.
He’s in love with his own voice. That’s why he constantly interrupts his guests as he spits all over the desk. Bye, bye Chris.
All those republicans look alike.
Sounds like the HBO series, The Outsider.
A break won’t work, this has become obviously some type of mental deterioration, like dementia (which is just a general term for lots of different mental problems where the brain physically deteriorates). .
Didn’t Palin cause a tingle to go up his leg? Or was that Mel and Ivanka?
Matthews used to get all overwrought about his days with “Tip n Ronnie” who as many of that era turned a blind eye to groping and lecherous behavior. Now he’s starting to lose his marbles like Reagan when he confused his African American HUD secretary for a urban mayor.