MSNBC Host Calls Out Marco Rubio On Media-Bashing Tweet

3M Canada is about as independent as Don Jr. It’s a branch plant/distribution outfit.

They learn from trump who just today said he wasn’t in favor of mail-in ballots because the only people who wanted them were people who were going to cheat, then he repeated that they were all cheaters and everyone should vote in person and show ID. I don’t think he realizes how many of his followers may be dead by November because they still think 19 is a hoax.

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Here’s to parties we tossed
To the games that we lost
We shall claim that we won them someday

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I think calling someone a name, or accusing them of doing something wrong sets up a negative tone that usually doesn’t progress past “IknowyouarebutwhatamI” and they can turn it back around to say you’re being political. I’ve seen some interviewers, congresspeople, debaters, etc. use a very clever approach which reveals an undeniable truth that is at obvious odds with what the f@#$ing liar has just said. It is more of a reveal than an attack. (Like…“Hmmm… I have this document here dated…:”) I must admit that watching the liar squirm does bring me a sense of satisfaction.

Exactly. Stating the truth is not glee and delight. I haven’t seen one credible newsperson acting that way. There’s probably some clueless blogger somewhere acting like that but Rubio didn’t reference a clueless blogger, he accused journalists.

Is this an actual tweet? I can’t tell anymore.

No, actually it means “little rube”…


I love the mask, too cute. Maybe you could help me figure out how to get one around my toucan bill.

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Some evidence that Brazilian number are bullshit…

An aerial view of Vila Formosa cemetery in Sao Paulo, 15 hrs ago…


Check your messages.

Great to have you back, my friend.


Cold War joke: A man was arrested for running the streets of Moscow while shouting “Brezhnev is an idiot!” The charge was revealing state secrets.


Call me a dreamer or a cockeyed optimist, but barring egregious irregularities and fewer people voting because of illness and no access to mail in ballots, it seems to me public opinion among those who pay attention is running against him. Everyday he does something offensive or traitorous or commits a corrupt act.

Biden, on the other hand, even though he’s not perceived as a fighter or bright, is a return to decency and normalcy and the support of a critical voting bloc, African Americans; with the right black woman as his Veep (versus the same old fundie as the Veep nominee), we could be looking at something very unpredictable by normal standards.

PP can certainly try to use the pandemic to win, but the arguments countering whatever he says are coming out right now and won’t stop. “no responsibility”, “it’ll be gone by April”, “wear a mask, don’t wear a mask.” As usual, concerned voters will listen up.

Just to write the word “reelection” gives me the creeps, so I’ll stick with an alternative world of a win for Democrats.

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The only way I see him winning is by massively and successfully rigging the system. Otherwise, it ain’t happening. But, if anyone can do it, he can, because he’s president and because he’s an unprincipled shitbag. So, don’t obsess over it, but it could happen. But, even if it does, reality has a way of having its way in the end, often mercilessly. Witness Nixon, Reagan and Bush II’s second terms.

What about Russia? Almost no reliable reports.

As I have said a few times, Russia is clearly supressing something, but for what ever reason, the curves based on their data are screaming constant exponential growth for cases, i.e. a straight line. So it is hard to figure what is going on there, it is clear that deaths attributed to COVID are being suppressed, CFR is too low…

Then there is this

The countries that looks like they in trouble are France and the UK,

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I wish I had said this:

America’s uniquely boneheaded insistence on tying health insurance to employment


That actually made a lot of sense and worked really well…back in the 50’s. when unemployment was low, pay was high, things didn’t cost that much, including health care, and it was a powerful incentive to attract quality employees.

But then things changed, yet the model didn’t.

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It goes back to WWII, Insurance was a back door to give raises to factory workers…

But employer-based insurance didn’t become the most common way to get insurance till the 50’s as employment went back to pre-Depression levels.

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