A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.
The inspector general at the Department of Homeland Security allegedly stonewalled until after the election an investigation into the demotion of a senior intelligence official who had criticized then-President Donald Trump, the New York Times reports.
A couple of things that nobody seems to be talking about:
Whether or not Allen turns on Trump, he will surely be convicted of at least some of these crimes. Which means he can no longer be the CFO of Trump Org.
Therefore, Trump loses his arguably greatest asset.
Are Trump’s clients/loaners going to put up with Allen being CFO while he’s out on bail?
How does the Trump Org not come to a grinding halt TODAY, just based on daily operations?
What idiot is going to want to take Allen’s place? Jeff McConney, who has turned states’ evidence?
2005 through 2021, this has been going on. Which means that Trump was president while he was breaking laws, cheating on taxes.
Someone needs to tell Trump supporters that when rich people like Trump cheat on taxes, WE honest tax-payers have to make up the difference. WE ALL are paying for HIS crimes.
Another poorly-thought-out law that’s going to just end up costing the city millions in litigation before they ultimately have to retract it.
99.9% of legal gun owners didn’t shoot someone yesterday, likely aren’t going to shoot anyone today, and tomorrow’s mostly out as well.
This tax would only apply to legal gun owners, so it’s just a tax on people who are already following the rules and not killing people, while the guns that are being used in crimes aren’t getting taxed.