I was wondering same thing, and what about Louie?
I am surprised there weren’t more, really.
I was wondering same thing, and what about Louie?
I am surprised there weren’t more, really.
TheYre paTrioTs whO rightly beLieve CriticAL raCe theOry iS blaCks caNceL culTure of AmeriCans?
Honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever been truly free of internal dialogue. I suppose that’s what meditation is about, but I’ve never really had the time or patience for it. But one day.
I suppose it’s like those headlines scrolling by on CNN while I’m living out my day.
Don’t worry…it still counts if the voices sound like they’re coming from outside your head.
So either he gets the 10 votes or finally has the epiphany
Nice gas pipeline vlad it would be shame if anything happened to it
Courage…that’s the ticket! After trashing their reputations with a big Fuck You to the Capitol Police they decided to stay out of the light. It is after all, another fed holiday they can use for the gun range.
BREAKING NEWS: CNN is reporting the SCOTUS has rejected hearing the GOP’s lawsuit over the ACA.
Erectile dysfunction?
Needs more cowbell.
(Sigh.) Manchin. I understand his situation and all. But this is a desperate rearguard action to save a weak commission that’s “bipartisan” in the make-believe way a child’s toy helmet that says “Junior Fire Chief” on it makes the child any kind of actual fire chief. He can’t be unaware of how the filibuster has been outrageously abused to frustrate the will of large majorities over and over again. He can’t be unaware of that.
My internal dialog is the voice of ATHFs Meatwad. I can barely understand myself.
I dunno; I thought your were showing me a bunch of different mayonnaise flavors at first.
They should make it a day off just for black people, and make all us whiteys work all day that day, for no pay.
The thing with Braddock’s call is that it is long, and his plans/fantasy are very detailed. This isn’t a general “I’m going to fucking kill you”, this is “I know Russian/Ukrainian hit men that I will have kill Luna”.
And since Braddock called after midnight:
After midnight, we’re gonna let it all hang down
After midnight, we’re gonna chug-a-lug and shout
We’re gonna stimulate some action
We’re gonna get some satisfaction
We’re gonna find out what it is all about
After midnight, we’re gonna let it all hang down (after midnight, after midnight)
You say that like it’s a bad thing . . .