Morning Memo: Big New Reveal On Trump’s Conspiracy To Subvert The Election

I worked in retail grocery and my son worked for Disney and Circ du Soliel so the whole Roman notion of “bread and circus” is not lost on us.
Only now the Visigoths control the Supreme Court.


Feel free to disagree, the American populace just has a depressing history of not exactly having a long attention span, and, if nothing is actively impeding their day-to-day life, perfectly content to ignore anything inconvenient that might interrupt their day.

Note that I’m not saying they’re not going to do things-- they clearly are, and investigations take time-- just that there’s not going to be some groundswell of feelings against them next year if they had done nothing at all and just moved on.


“Defund, Dismantle & Decolonize Birds”
"Joe Biden is going to seize your refrigerator.”
“This didn’t use to be controversial.”

TPM folks, have you considered renaming this daily memo, New From Idiotsville?


It was never an “Administration”; it was a criminal gang.


Yes. It turns out a lot of the explorers in the 1800’s were also conquering colonialists who many of which were pretty nasty. The habit is to name the bird after the person who ‘discovered’ them. There’s no need for that. Just call it a red tufted sparking or whatever. Use a more scientific taxonomy. The other issue is that many of the birds had been known and named for hundreds of years by the indigenous people who’s cultures were wiped out. So, yeah. There actually are problems with the whole birding system.


What do you do when the President is conducting election interference. We don’t have any experience with that in our country.

I think we need to read Banana Republics for Dummies to get the right answer.


I remember my 15 year old’s response to the school naming thing in SF was: “Why name them after famous people at all?” The simplicity of which had eluded this old boomer until then.


Latin perhaps…


To be fair, Nixon did a lot of awful things, but he didn’t do them only for himself…at least some of it was for what he thought was the good of the nation, and he left office in that spirit. And, he pursued many policies that were good for the US and the world, even though they weren’t really the best for him politically (the EPA and opening relations with China for example).

In comparison, Trump and his administration didn’t do anything that was really redeemable…oh, there might be some policy somewhere, but odds are that was in development or led by some civil servant still working for Americans. Trump and his minions were in it for themselves, plain and simple, and were willing to use every dirty trick to keep power and become our rulers. That’s now bled over into the Republican party as a whole…we’ll see if that survives the information coming out, and how well the world’s oldest democracy can stand against growing fascism inside our borders.


I’d argue not holding Trump and Co accountable makes a second insurrection more likely.

The current “rounding up the street dealers” approach of the Garland DOJ shows the high-level insurrectionist planners and enablers that they can effectively get away with it. No accountability means that they will likely try again.


How much time will it take? I fear that by the time it’s all out in the open, the midterm elections will be upon us and we’ll be out of time to do something about this appalling, ever-growing mess.

First off nobody is gonna seize refrigerators and freezers.
and next:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is against the chamber’s Judiciary Committee investigating the Trump-era DOJ’s seizing of House Democrats’ data, calling it “a partisan circus” on the Senate floor yesterday.”
… … … …
My dad who was a republican (old school) would’a said the following to Mitch:

It was one of his favorite saying in a situation like this.
And @slowrichard the current cabal of Goobers are that stupid.


Sorry, Trump, his family, and his co-conspirators NEVER look out for the “little folk.”

They are all worse that even Leona (“only little people pay taxes”) Helmsley. . . . and Trump hated her.