A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.
Convicted ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn filed a lawsuit against the House Jan. 6 select committee yesterday, claiming that its subpoenas for his electronic records and testimony could violate his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in other investigations he’s tied to (like the reported federal probe into Sidney Powell’s Defending the Republic PAC).
Goons! What other word appropriate for Gosar, who is betting on the unvaccinated horse? That plan is sure to be a big winner! Gee, IANAD, (IAm Not ADefendant) but someone tell Mike Flynn that 1st amendment doesn’t apply to evidence obtained by subpoena.
Jon Favreau needs to stop amplifying DC press ridiculousness if he really wants to do something about it. The current model favors outrage and clicks. Stop giving them what they want and they’ll have to change.
They are all copying TFG’s game plan of sue, sue, sue. Given a sufficiently large stash of cash this may work in civil cases, but it seems once criminal indictments start flowing, it’s game over, motherfuckers.
subpoenas for his electronic records and testimony could violate his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in other investigations he’s tied to
I wonder why they’re so worried about incriminating themselves?
I won’t be impressed until there are more than 62 suits or whatever it was in the good old “Stop the Steal” days. It’s a high bar, goons. But sue! Sue your way to a brighter tomorrow! It’s the magic of Christmas!
Get ready for Benghazi on crack come 2023 if Republicans take control of the House in the midterms as predicted: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is already mapping out his plans for various culture-war based investigations into the Biden administration.
I can’t wait for the anti-vaxxers to start hating on this. It’ll be epic. And you know they will because they won’t know anything more about what’s in it than they did the vaccines already available.
Will their love of all things military get them standing in line for this?
Today is December 22nd … now doesn’t the Supreme Court need to take some sort of action related to the Case of the Trump Documents & the National Archives - in the next 24 +/- hours?
Doesn’t “No Action - No Comment” or result in green-lighting the delivery of the materials ?
As would any other formal statement to not touch it.
But a little procedural statement at some point late tomorrow indicating that it will go on a the lengthy “to do list” for the Court will be a colossal Christmas gift to Trump.
Even if the SC sticks it to Trump… I would fully expect that Trump’s legal team of obstructionists already has 2 or 3 other angles of attack ready to file to seek additional stays… on different grounds … their strategy is to wage a process & procedure guerrilla war - with zero-integrity - purely to destroy the timeline.