Mooch Is Out Of Trump’s Good Graces After Suggesting Another GOPer Run In 2020

Former, short-lived White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci found himself outside of President Trump’s good graces over the weekend.

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The very definition of irrelevance.


I suggest that news sites institute a running tally board for situations like this; it could just have bulleted items with hash tags. This one, for example, would say “Trump strikes back after being criticized”. There could be a universal one for Kellyanne Conway that said “Presidential advisor and racism apologist spouts hostile nonsense.”
These are “Dog Bites Man” stories. Until “Man Bites Dog” let’s just keep a tally.


“A couple more weeks like this and ‘country over party’ is going to require the Republicans to replace the top of the ticket in 2020,” he told Axios’ Jonathan Swan on Sunday, adding if Trump “doesn’t reform his behavior, it will not just be me, but many others will be considering helping to find a replacement in 2020.”

Mooch the stand up comedian.
They love them some Race Baiting White Supremacist President
Trump is the Republican Party
Approval Rating


Fortunately there are many more Democrats and Independents combined than Republicans. Now, they have to vote.


It’s fairly well established that in modern American politics, to emphatically approve or disapprove of the sitting president is (to first order) itself a declaration (the declaration) of party affiliation. DA MOOCH is right to note that while Trump has strong approval from self-identified Republicans, to replace Trump might mean a larger Republican Party.

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Only if Murdoch says so.
Until the Trump channel changes their tune , nothing will change


Poor moochie critter… out of the bad man’s good graces. Awww…


I congratulate Anthony Scaramucci on his newly found volitional consciousness.


In the matter of Egomaniac Number Two vs. Egomaniac Number One, the court is still in session…Ho hum…Sigh…

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I’m trying to remember who it was who hand-picked Scaramucci for that job, from a supposedly wide field of highly-qualified candidates? I bet they’re embarrassed that it went so badly!


Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling,

Oh, brother. That’s a big, fat pot calling the kettle black.


if Trump “doesn’t reform his behavior, . . ."

What are the betting lines on Trump reforming his behavior and the related story of the pundits and talking heads buying it?


Mooch blasts from the past…

“I love the mission that the president has since the early days of the campaign.”

“I grew up in the middle class, and so there’s a struggle out there. The president saw that before I did. I wish I could tell you I saw it before him, but he taught it to me.”

“I predict the president will get a win in healthcare. That’s my honest prediction, just because I’ve seen him in operation of the last 20 plus years. The president has really good karma, okay? And the world turns back to him.”


Scaramucci: The Sage of the Republican Party.
Truly, all men of courage in the GOP must heed his wise words.

On the other hand, it’s sad when 2 shallow, stupid men have a slap fight in public.


While this is in so many ways a non-story, owing to this guy just being another one of Cheatolini’s clowns, but this tweet hits the nail on the head:


There will indeed come a time when Cheatolini turns on the whole country. It may well be that it is November next year, it may be before, but I think the clown told the truth here.


good one

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The one big problem I see with the following …

A couple more weeks like this and ‘country over party’ is going to require the Republicans to replace the top of the ticket in 2020,” he told Axios

… is the allowance of “a couple more weeks.”

Scaramucci is intelligent enough to know that giving Trump two or three weeks – even two or three months – is only going to make things worse.


You mean the pivot?

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Scaramucci appeared on Real Time Friday night, and I was surprised not to be completely pissed off by his remarks. He actually came off as a fairly thoughtful guy and made many of the same points. The funny part was his saying how he’s “friends” with Trump. Trump has no friends; only sycophants, supporters and servants.