Montana National Guard Chaplain Houses Anti-Gov Militia Session At Church | Talking Points Memo

A round of flyers advertising recruitment for a militia to “end the hijacking of America by the deep state” and to put an end to “American communism” popped up in Helena, Montana on Sunday.

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That the military, specially the National Guard is teeming with Christian Talibans is surprise to no one.


In other Montana appears to be a shithole state news…

My apologies to any TPM people and or relatives in that state.

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte flouted state regulations by trapping and shooting a wolf—who was being tracked by wildlife biologists through a radio collar—on a private ranch owned by one of his donors, Sinclair broadcasting mogul Robert E. Smith. Boise State Public Radio reports that Gianforte didn’t complete a mandated wolf-trapping course before killing the animal, which was born in the protected environs of Yellowstone National Park and apparently wandered north to find a mate. Despite breaking the rules, the state wildlife agency let the Republican governor keep the wolf’s skull and hide and issued a warning.


It was a simple act of Christian charity that is being misunderstood. After all, Jesus calls us to care for the outcast and the stranger … and some of those boys is mighty strange.


Please note that the “Civics Lesson” discussed here looks at the 1st and 2nd Amendments and after that everybody goes home. The other Amendments to the Consitution are obviously irrelevant to these Montana gun gangs (not real militias).


This motherfucker just ruined his life and he doesn’t even know it yet.

Yes, even in Montana.


It was a surprise to this MAGA insurrectionist:

Taking the law into their own hands seems to be the only way Republicans know how to operate. What ever happened to the rule of law and their conservative “principles?” If Trump’s domestic terrorists don’t have at least one crime charged against them, they aren’t qualified to hold office?


If that flyer wasn’t an invitation to the FBI to embed a few agents into the group, I don’t know what would be.

Sedition, anyone ?


Freedom of speech means you have to invite anybody who asks into your home so they can try to recruit you into their cause. It’s the law.


Going to use the trophies to adorn his costume at the next Capitol insurrection? Every wolf should have the right to possess an AR 15 to protect themselves from conservative crackpots like this one?


I have dear friends in Montana, making a little dot of blue. But that aside, why not just auction off all the Federal property in 1 square mile parcels, take the money and run and leave the loons to their own devices.


“We are not sponsoring this, or encouraging attendance, but we will not deny this organization the right to speak,” Hesler said.

Well alrighty then. Calling on all religious entities (Don’t forget those Satan worshippers!), Abortion and planned parenthood advocates, gay rights promoters and others to have informational meetings in his church. Just step up, first come first served. Book him up.

Can’t wait for the “Zen of Litter Box Cleaning” session.


At this point, I’m ready to let the conservatives pack into whichever states they want and form their own nation. Take the south, sure, whatever…we’ll build a nice wall for you too. All the people who don’t want to live in their shitty dictatorship can move into the rest of the US somewhere, we can actually support that. Get rid of the assholes in the nation, let them form their own stupid one, and then let them shoot each other up when it works out the way we’d expect.

It really would solve a lot of our problems if we just let them secede and take their nonsense beliefs with them…I’m so sick of arguing with assholes on the internet that I’d gladly vote for it.


Of all the electoral mistakes my home state has made in recent times, this jack-knob is going to be biggest. Whether assaulting reporters, borderline poaching game, and suing the state to effectively privatize public waterways, there is no bottom for this guy. Uggh!!


When you are in a committed relationship with your AR-15, you can be totally misunderstood.


This Chaplain doesn’t have a prayer.


Fucking gross.


There’s a reason the Unabomber chose MT to “blend in”.


I wonder what would have happened if the suspect hadn’t been white?


Father Mulcahy he ain’t.

He might make a good chaplain in prison though.