Moderate House Dems Try Big Flex On Pelosi | Talking Points Memo

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

Nine moderate House Democrats are threatening to withhold votes from the $3.5 trillion reconciliation resolution for infrastructure if the bipartisan infrastructure bill doesn’t get passed first.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Witness the making of sausage, anyone? (Hint: It’s ugly…)


Minneapolis Man Charged in Child Sex Trafficking Conspiracy | USAO-MN | Department of Justice


Yup. It’s starting to look like twisted Q conspiracists are accusing Dems of doing exactly what the GOP and Taliban are doing.


But I like sausage.


GOP Strategist Anton Lazzaro Arrested for Underage Sex Trafficking (


Here’s a whopper for the Morning Memo.

“ A bizarre security breach of a rural Colorado county’s voting system has in a matter of days escalated into a criminal probe of the clerk’s office, a ban on the county’s existing election equipment, and heightened partisan divides over election-fraud claims.

Footage that showed passwords related to the county’s voting systems was surreptitiously recorded during a May security update and published last week on a far-right blog, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) said Thursday. Griswold determined Mesa County cannot use its existing equipment for its November election.”


OT: Colorado Republican official accused after voting system passwords are leaked to right-wing site

Mesa County Clerk Tina M. Peters has spent the past several days in South Dakota at the “Cyber Symposium” held by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. In a keynote speech at the event Tuesday, Peters said [Secretary of State Jena] Griswold’s investigation of her office was politically motivated.

“We would be a big jewel in our governor and our secretary of state’s crown to take over my office and control the way you vote,” Peters said, according to a recording of her speech.

Good morning @chelsea530 . We have a (D) Attorney General, too.


What are the odds that this has also been done elsewhere?

These people are fanatics! :rage:
Lock them up.


Do you folks see??? This is what’s happening to the English language. Now it’s the word “Moderate”.
First, it was “Unique” as in “very unique,” then they came at us with “different than” rather than “different from.” I’m glad I’m old and will die in a few years.


Florida Toddler Fatally Shoots Mom In Head While Mom Was On A Zoom Work Call. (


Lock her up!


Democrats are in complete control of the state government but we have our share of the far right, mostly on the Western Slope, Eastern plains (west Nebraska/Kansas) and Colorado Springs.


Okay Speaker Pelosi, what you gonna do, “moderate” Dems coming for you? Give in and Manchin will once again have all the f’ing leverage. He’ll peel that “human” infrastructure bill down to the bone if he doesn’t have to be concerned about passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. You have the leverage, don’t eff it up.


I confess I do too, but I did tour a meat processing plant once…


I’m with ya davcbr - till the last sentence. And let’s just do away with “very.”


Nate Silver:

Vast swaths of rural America–and an outright majority of all counties–lose population

Turns out people don’t really want to live in the redneck places, and anyone who can leave, does.

This isn’t a new phenomenon, though. I saw a map a couple of years ago that showed that most counties, especially ones that are rural now, peaked in population about 1930. They’ve been declining ever since, getting on to 100 years.

The issue is that agriculture + mining + forestry accounts for only some 3% of the US economy. IOW, 97% of jobs, especially good paying ones, are not in rural areas.


“Nine moderate House Democrats are threatening to withhold votes from the $3.5 trillion”

Sure thing you pack of liars. You agreed to vote for both when both were ready a month or so ago. F-Off.


Would it be a big loss if Rep. Gohmert also spontaneously combusted?
I don’t insist that he do so while flying over a southwestern solar power array.


Um, they do realize that “hardworking American families” is code for white conservative racists, right, and that these people rarely vote Dem these days? They’re the ones who’d gladly vote for someone who held Trump’s views if only they were more polite and conventional, like Reagan or Bush. Why are they still trying to win over those assholes? Given a choice, these folks will almost always choose a Repub over even the most conservative Dem. The center is DEAD, and when someone tells you they’re a moderate or centrist, what they’re really saying is that they’re a conservative who’s afraid to admit it.


Tina Peters is trying to outboebert Lauren Boebert.