The possibility that the House could pass a Trump administration-approved coronavirus response package remains alive Friday, as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin told CNBC Friday morning he was “very close” to hammering out a deal with Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Well, why don’t you state what it is you want added or what it is you are opposed to in the package and then explain WHY you are holding out while this thing spreads?
Pelosi has a brain ,Dumb Fuck Donnie does not.
Unless Stevie gets clearance from POS this goes nowhere and the 52 would rather people die then dishonor Dumb Fuck.
Anyone who thinks there is a remote possibility that TRump will allow Pelosi to get even partial credit for anything good again in his lifetime is not paying attention.
It’s been a while since I had 4th grade civics (and all of the other civics classes since then), but it seems to me that there was some kind of a process you could use to work out differences in bills…a committee of some kind could meet and come to an agreement.
I hope that whatever agreement they reach, F&F don’t criticize it so that he vetoes it when it reaches his desk.
By underspending on public health and pandemic readiness for decades, the fiscal governance finds itself with too many to-do’s on their list. We will get widepread testing in place too late, so now the focus needs to turn to capacity for the sickest people, and strong rules on self-isolation for both the sick and healthy. It now looks like the full trajectory of this infection is about a month, with the possibility to transmit emerging before symptoms and after the return to normalcy. Focus on ICU capacity and isolation wards to avoid triage. I would still move ahead with point-of-care testing, the Koreans and Chinese are going that direction.
They have yet to convince him that he is actually one of the primary causes for the crash. The man is a walking chaos vector.
The only thing he could say that would surprise me is that he has been exposed and is electing self quarantine for the safety of his staff - which of course is exactly what he should be doing.
Why? Is he going to finally declare a national emergency? Is he going into self-imposed quarantine? He always wants to change the subject and force the attention back on himself. With somewhat positive headlines wrt Pelosi and Mnuchin, he needs to grab the spotlight back.