Mnuchin On Trump Travel Advisory | Talking Points Memo

No it’s out of your league.

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I believe that the one reason that convinced Mango Mussolini to not declare a quarantine of New York is that he was told the markets wouldn’t just “tank” when they opened, but that they would resoundingly crash, and that even after the market time-out circuit-breaker cleared, the markets would continue to resoundingly crash, even after a second circuit-breaker, and because everyone with more than a penny in the markets would realize that the IMPOTUS doesn’t have a fucking clue. Not one fucking clue.

Of course, Orange Anus wouldn’t have it told to him in this manner. No, instead he would be told something like,

“Oh Wise And All Knowing Omniscient One, If It Were Up To This Lowly Mortal Who Is Not Worthy To Lick Your Excrement To Offer Any Advice To You, It Would Be That The Stock Markets Will Plummet In A Ceaseless Panic Due To The Quarantine, For Due To The Quarantine, There Would Be No One There In The Stock Markets To Apply The Brakes.”

And the Dotard would accept this, because after all, just like stock cars, the stock market has brakes. Mentally deranged fucking moron Bozo-in-Chief. Apologies to all real Bozos out there…


Hey, the Aussie Rules when it comes to sports metaphors…

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We should test that.

I dunno, once you let them get a footie in the door…

We’ll make our best pitch, maybe we’ll stump 'em.

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I dunno, I don’t think these people are very deep. I’m ready to appeal against the light…

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Really? Did you know that the virus isn’t a living organism, just an amino acid?


I agree with the main thrust of your post. I just want to point out that while America as a whole may have enjoyed economic prosperity in the last decade, most of its citizens, due to massive income inequality and the constant shoveling of evermore wealth to ever-fewer individuals, haven’t. We here all know that, of course, but I personally find myself incapable of not explicitly stating this fact whenever a conversation mentions that the economy has been strong, so I hope you’ll forgive my pedantry on the subject.


I’ll do it for you. May they all get cholera.

(A favorite imprecation of Baba’s.)

Unless the asshole intentionally coughs on you. Plus, this video is from more than a week ago. A baby has died, as have teenagers, since then.

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Regarding the travel advisory. Today the administration took strong action by…saying the travel advisory would last until the end of April. Since the advisory has no impact on anyone’s actions I’m not optimistic that this action will do anything at all.

While I’m talking about ineffective PR stunts, I’ll say that I think we need to consider defeating this pandemic in the same way one would measure options when cancer is detected. Maybe Im wrong, but I get the impression that small measures in fighting cancer don’t work, and in fact make it worse when it recovers. One doesn’t say, " well, chemo is unpleasant so I’ll only do a little bit of it, and I don’t want a scar so let’s not operate." Treatment is aggressively administered to as great an extent as possible commensurate with the patient’s existing health. Similarly, saying that we will advise people not to leave New York or ask people to wash their hands but try to get back to normal operations as soon as possible will hurt more in the long run than just going all-in and enacting nationwide aggressive measures like the rest of the world. In short: lack of any meaningful national action will make this problem worse.

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It helps me a lot too. Here is an abbreviated version someone made.

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That video helped me a lot, too: Wash your hands, don’t touch your face. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face!

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How do you kill an amino acid? Larger point being there’s still going to be a reservoir of the Coronavirus, which is why we need a vaccine and treatment options.

In theory you could track every single person who had been exposed and force them into quarantine until you were sure they weren’t shedding virus. But in practice you’re right. Vaccine and treatment options also help a lot in contact tracing and quarantining, because you can tell the people whose lives you’re disrupting that you will do something good for them.

(I remember reading reports of the eradication of smallpox – they would find cases and quarantine them, but they wold also vaccinate the entire village/neighborhood where the victims lived, so there was an incentive to report rather than cover up.)

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Oh, I do not take issue with anything you say at all. Lines indicating unemployment stats and per capita income growth diverge on any graph.

From a singular perspective, employment through job creation has slowed over the past three years. At the same time, job creation has stayed well above the required number (approximately 52k per month) to keep pace with population growth and the complementary number of people entering the work force. This statistic looks really good on paper.

Income inequality, on the other hand, is a national disgrace.

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I’m not saying there isn’t a need, just that Mnuchin is ignorant.

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