Mississippi’s state legislature approved a bill on Sunday night to redesign the state flag and remove the Confederate battle insignia from it on Sunday night.
“For economic prosperity and for a better future for my kids and yours, we must find a way to come together,” Reeves said on Saturday. “To heal our wounds, to forgive, to resolve that the page has been turned, to trust each other.”
Nothing there about the Confederate flag being an overt symbol of white supremacy, I notice.
Give credit to the man, if it wasn’t for Trump this would not have happened. I am not saying it was his intention, but if it had been for his fumbling and lack of leadership the flag would have stayed. Npw lets get rid of the confederate flag of Georgia. And yes it’s base on the flag of the Confederate States of America.
White Supremacists ought to re-evaluate their support of Trump. Trump does talk the talk very loudly, but when it comes to walking the walk the results are dismal, Taj Mahal Casino bad. White Supremacists across America are finding themselves out of the racist closet (nobody is supporting Trump out of “economic anxiety”) and without their flags, without their statues, without a wall and maybe even without their cops. Those are very lousy returns from the Last Great White Hope.
After the 2001 referendum when the new Mississippi state flag was defeated I was watching the news reports. They showed mainly White residents smirking about keeping the lost cause flag. The own the libs of its day. It’s good to see an evolution on this issue, not just from a moral sense but for business investment too.
Interesting how the same crowd who all along denied that the Civil War (Our Late Unpleasantness) had anything to do with defending the economic value of slave labor now begin their statements with words like “For economic prosperity and for a better future for my kids and yours…”
Please take note of the hierarchy of values expressed here: First, our wealth. Second, the future of my/our kids/people. Third, **your ** kids/people.
Look, we have always known where we stand. Thanks for making it plain Gov. Reeves, even as you promise to try to do better. Would it kill you to try crafting more inclusive language next time?
‘The bill establishes a commission to develop a new flag design without the Confederate emblem that includes the phrase “In God, We Trust.” Mississippi state voters would then vote on the new design this November.’
Translation: “We can’t stick it to THEM no more, but we can still stick it to the atheists!”
About damn time they removed that symbol of treason from their flag.
Maybe they’ll be real stupid and replace it with the 45 swastika look-alike symbol.