Minnesota Guv Slams Trump’s Inflammatory Tweets: ‘It’s Just Not Helpful’

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) on Friday afternoon decried President Donald Trump’s bellicose tweets about the ongoing protests in Minneapolis, in which Trump threatened “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1311526

“I didn’t know he was going to tweet,” the governor told reporters. “It’s just not helpful. It’s not helpful.”

Governor, let me be so arrogant as to provide you with a quote you should state out loud:

“Mister President, you need to shut the hell up right now and stop aggravating. Just shut the hell up.”


“I didn’t know he was going to tweet,” the governor told reporters. I have great respect for Governor Walz, but not knowing Trump was going to tweet is simply not credible.

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The new top candidate for “understatement of the year.”


Call it what it is. Racist.


So when does the movement for the removal of the dangerous Hulk in the White House begin? He can do a lot of damage to the country and the world before the Election. Is there anyone in his “entourage” who knows how spiteful and vengeful he is and yet has the courage to stop him? I guess not.


And remember that just a few months ago he could and should have been removed.


:notes: Tin soldiers and Nixon coming
We’re finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down

Should have been done long ago
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?


“I didn’t know he was going to tweet,” the governor told reporters. “It’s just not helpful. It’s not helpful.”

Of course it was not helpful. Trump is not trying to help at all. He is stoking the fire hoping that the riots really get out of hand and White America comes running to him for protection. Trump’s prayers include a white woman raped or a Korean shopkeeper killed.


Hey Kim and Kanye, what you all have to say about this? You stand with your dog Trump?


That would have been reversing the election… let the people choose in November, 100K dead, 40 million unemployed and race riots raging throughout the country is just the price of freedom.


Not helpful…to whom?

I am pretty sure Trump looks at this as the most help he has gotten in a month. He is now going to double down as soon as the criticism subsides.


Well, Trump IS a flaming idiot…


Stop the bullshit and come out and say Trump is a fucking criminal, anti American and his followers are ass holes.

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“It’s just not helpful”

Totally on board with referring to the president as It. Although Pennywise might object.

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Ped Nugent has them locked in his basement…

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Still treating Trump as a normal human being who isn’t “helpful.”

What Walz needs to say:

“Shut the hell up, you racist pig. By the way, I’m the one who orders my National Guard troops around, not you.”

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Slams Trump’s Inflammatory Tweets: ‘It’s Just Not Helpful

Calling anyone’s inflammatory tweets “just not helpful” is like calling Trump’s presidency “just not normal.”

Let me recommend a site that’s always worth a look: No More Mister Nice Blog It’s run by “Steve M.” While’s he’s sometimes more pessimistic than I’d like, he’s damn good! Check out his analysis in the post:


the menace of Trumpism is tempered somewhat by the fact that he still sees himself as a guy yelling at the TV because he’s angry at the people running things. He doesn’t see himself, even now, as the guy running things.

Oh, sure, when he feels personally mistreated – by the Russia investigators, by Twitter – he orders his minions to do harm to the offenders. But in Minneapolis, our narcissist president isn’t personally threatened, so he might do nothing besides tweet and grumble. At this moment, the cops in Minneapolis are worse authoritarians than Trump.

After three and a half years in office, a smarter, more determined authoritarian could have had the institutions that stood in his way fully dismantled or at least cowering his fear – critical news outlets, dissenting states, maybe even a house of Congress. He could have arranged to turn the Proud Boys or some similar band of youths into a paramilitary thug army useful for intimidating, brutalizing, and possibly murdering critics. It could have happened here. I see nothing to suggest that Republicans in Congress or Trump’s fan base would have objected.

Trump stacks the courts because Mitch McConnell and Leonard Leo want him to. Trump supports cutting rich people’s taxes and corporate regulations because his rich friends and donors want him to. Trump brutalizes immigrants because Stephen Miller knows how to get that done.

Yes, on a certain level it’s cold comfort because Trump is a lunatic who is responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths by his horrific mishandling of the pandemic, and he will always be a disgusting demagogue and rabble-rouser whose primitive impulses can likely spur additional deaths, as with the unfortunate woman in Charlottesville, and as he’s trying to do here. But however horrible he is, his incompetence and overall cowardice have prevented him from doing even greater damage than he already has.

I’m not saying that the damage done is small – it will take decades to recover from some of it – but it could have been much, much worse (at least before the pandemic). I genuinely feared some kind of authoritarian takeover in the months shortly after he took office.

I want to see him removed from office as soon as legally possible, and after that prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That includes a federal suit by a real Atty. Gen. to clawback every dollar this thief improperly obtained in violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments clauses. That’s just for starters.

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What would you call “Trump’s inflammatory tweets?”

Stupid, ingnorant, self-centred, self-promoting, useless, dangerous, ungrammatical, dishonest, inaccurate, disgraceful…fill in the blanks

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