Minneapolis Police Chief: Officers Were ‘Complicit’ In Floyd Death | Talking Points Memo

In an emotional exchange with George Floyd’s family on live television on Sunday, Minneapolis police chief Medaria Arradondo said that all four officers were “complicit” and should also be held responsibility for Floyd’s death.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1311862

If the prosecutor doesn’t charge the other officers, the DoJ certainly should And if DoJ doesn’t, I hope the next one does.


So arrest them


It took this long to figure that out?


Note his removing his hat.

That’s what respect looks like.


My question is: What is going on the MPD? This wasn’t Chauvin’s first offense. The videos of the protest showed MPD fomenting and committing unnecessary violence. IThe head of the MPD police union gave a speech lauding Trump and allegedly wore a White Power patch. There in something in the culture of this department – and others, to be sure – that implicates everyone in it. More than three bystanders here.


There is something that implicates America’s ruling cultural majority that prefers militarized policing to social justice.

This is the only country where police dress and act like they are in a war zone against enemy combatants. Not serving the citizens who pay their salaries.


The da in hennipan country really, really screwed up. The riots were/are in large part his fault. He treated it as another “let it blow over then let the cops walk” incident.

Belatedly the governor has stepped in and put the MN AG Keith ellerson in charge. Ellerson will charge the other three cops with manslaughter and upgrade the charges vs beauty-queen husband to murder two (and no, murder one is Not supportable unless there is something we don’t know).

And my guess is ellerson is now in charge not judge because freedman was/is slow, but that the complaint he filed tries to make excuses for the cops.


Tax payers pay their salaries, and the tax payers also bear the cost of court settlement cases that find against them. We’re paying twice for their bad behavior.


This still is heartbreaking and while the first day I could look at Floyd on the ground with that knee on his neck, I no longer can. It is absolutely sickening.
I still say if anything happens to these 4 I will be very surprised.


I linked this elsewhere:

This is a big deal - this is one of the worst prisons for violence in MN. I’m not sure why he was sent here, considering it’s possible that some of his previous arrests might also be here.

When I posted this on the other thread, someone indicated that he would be cocooned and protected. I said there and repeat here: so was Jeffrey Epstein.

I just think this is going to have an extremely bad outcome.


You mean as in he doesn’t make it to trial and someone inside kills him?

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Agree, it is always the case of other officers looking the other way. Some because they agree with what is going on. Other, the majority I believe, are fearful of retaliation, as in when they call for support it is a long long long time in coming.

The “bad apples” exist only because the majority refuse to take a stand.


Worst case, yes.

Metropolitan Correctional Center is an understaffed shithole jail. Epstein had the goods on many powerful people who might find his continued breathing inconvenient. Can you say the same about your local jail, or about the charged cop? If not, that’s two false equivalences.

ETF: MCC, not Rikers Island

While I absolutely agree with you about the militarization of the police force, I can’t agree with your second comment. Any travel outside of the US borders would reveal police in tactical gear, carrying automatic weapons. All over the world, police forces have been militarized. Google the name of any industrialized nation followed by “police” and you’ll see images of what appear to be battlefield-equipped soldiers with police insignia.

Authoritarianism is everywhere, and it has been for years. When the very few control the very many, they need armies to control their civilian populations, not police forces.


How quickly will Ellison address the Complicit Others? Are there manslaughter or accessory charges available in MN?

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I am also referring to the prison population and how much of it he might’ve been responsible for putting there. Not to mention the prisoners aren’t exactly in a vacuum. They probably are very aware of what’s been going on around them.

As far as the prison itself, we can start here:

And here:

And here:

And here:

And this is just since I’ve lived in the area (about six years).


Yea the taxpayer gets screwed once again. However, the police ARE looking out for the best interest of citizens, just not the 99%.

I hope that is not what happens. I hope the others are arrested and they all stand trial. Things have got to change or our society is going to go further down the drain.