Milwaukee Bucks assistant coach Vin Baker and senior vice president Alex Lasry on Tuesday said that senior White House adviser Jared Kushner was out of bounds when he lashed out at the team last week for boycotting a playoff game amid protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
Jared Kushner, Prince of Thieves serving at the hand of The King of Pigs in service of the ascent of The Selfish Princess rising to the throne in 5 years.
Ivanka isn’t rising to anything. She’s either going to have to leave the country or change her name and the way she looks and go into witness protection.
There’s more than a little irony in the remarks by Jared. If it wasn’t for being in the lap of luxury, which he didn’t have to work for, he’d be a drudge in an office somewhere, unknown and unremarkable.
Then again, the Trumps and their circle have no idea of what irony is or they could never look in a mirror without gagging.
I would like Jared to start visiting NBA players and league representatives and saying shit to their appropriately covered faces in person. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Big Man Jay-Kay.
It was a good day for Jared when he found a woman willing to have sex with him whose FIL had some juice. Or he’d still be a nebbish from Livingston NJ though in many ways he still is.
People are tired of watching the highly political @NBA. Basketball ratings are WAY down, and they won’t be coming back. I hope football and baseball are watching and learning because the same thing will be happening to them. Stand tall for our Country and our Flag!!!
The Mad Orange Clown thinks that ratings are everything. It’s not about right or wrong for him. That’s because he’s amoral at best. He is an inhumane monster, willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives for his own re-election. He is willing to take babies out of the arms of their nursing mothers, cage children and permanently separate families in order to appease his racist followers. We are all objects to him, to be used, abused and thrown away.
Has anyone ever seen Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller at the same place at the same time? Those two seem to be cut from the same racist, un-selfaware cloth.