Milley Defends Efforts To Keep Trump From Potentially Nuking China

I get what you’re saying. Me? Call me old-fashioned, but I’m a hard pass on global thermonuclear war.


Note “appearance of”. Just like the ethics rules for government, the appearance of impropriety can be considered as undermining the chain of command and prejudicial to good order and discipline.

Just like that Marine Lt. Col. who just got relieved for pushing stupid shit on facebook about the Afghanistan pullout. If he ends up being chaptered out, smart lawyers will point to things like this with Milley as a defense that his stuff, while not necessarily the smartest thing to do, aren’t out of line with other apparent insubordination at the highest levels.

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A major nuclear exchange will be filmed in far greater resolution than it will subsequently be possible to display it in. (Think: chisel and cave wall)


I literally don’t get this. Liberals whine all day, every day about overpopulation, global warming, all that shit.

Good nuclear war could reduce populations by millions if not billions, nice bit of nuclear winter would slow if not reverse global warming, the reduction in demand for fossil fuels alone should make this AOC’s dream.


Similar stuff happened in August 1974 when Nixon was on his way out. The republicans should STFU. Rand Paul & little Marco did not convict Trump two times. They have no standing here…


I have had it up to here with this GOP fake outrage. They are instantly off the deep end at the slightest provocation with never a backward glance at the previous four years. I am really sick of it.


“What a very strange game. The only winning move is not to play”


And every single one knows it’s fake. It’s so fucking tedious and predictable.


Oy, what a headline.



Likewise, he did nothing that gave the appearance of undermining civilian control. The JCOS exist for the purpose of advising the President on military matters. It doesn’t undermine or appear to undermine civilian control to advise the President that it would be bad to start a nuclear war with China or whoever.


I’m sure Vindman is a well meaning person who did the right thing, but he is basically a garden variety do it by the book military type. And who is he to talk anyway? , he also questioned his commander in chief.
So it’s ok for him to buck the chain of command but not Milley?
I think Vindman is one of those guys who has suddenly gotten a lot of adulation for doing the right thing and is now a bit high on his self righteous fumes.

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Trinidad And Tobago Call Nicki Minaj’s Claims Bogus | Crooks and Liars


When Milley talks to Congress, the GOP will have more than fake outrage


The hard truth is had Pence decided to do what Trump wanted no one could have stopped him. What would have happened if the mob had assassinated Pence and Pelosi? No one wants to admit that they came awful close… The Democrats could’ve run to SCROTUS I guess but if SCROTUS decided in the Democrats favor and Trump decides SCROTUS lacks jurisdiction then what? Call the police? And (hard to believe I know given the non political nature of SCROTUS) what if SCROTUS sided with Trump? Either there’s a military coup I guess or more likely the Democrats shrug their shoulders and walk away. This is what I’ve been saying for months. The Democrats need to destroy the GOP now by whatever means necessary, “law” or no “law”. Next time, and the way we’re going there will be a next time, we may not be so lucky. The VP may not be a Pence milquetoast but someone ballsy and smart. Then “law” will apply only to those the Republicans decide it does.

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“I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair a little mussed, but depending on prevailing winds, no more than ten to twenty million killed – tops!”


Can’t help but think it’s a safe bet Trump said something in particular that made Milley freak and make these calls. Just seems to me there’s no way Trump wasn’t ranting irrationally and incoherently and let fly with the specific idea of nuking Wuhan as payback for his loss.

I hope it comes out just like that, frankly, because I have trouble believing it DIDN’T happen that way.


While the jury is still out regarding Gen Milley’s decision, I suspect that quite a few people would agree that getting criticized by Rubio is a bit like getting a flea bite — light-weight, typically gratuitous, and annoying. Sort of like a “Chatty Cathy” doll, only with less gravitas.


The very meaning in the words takes what goes on politically in this country beyond the surreal. Someone has to defend this?

Wake me when it’s over, please. Madness, madness, madness.

ETA: @castor_troy

I’d say thank you very much if the point is to avoid a nuclear war.


Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational control and are not in the military chain of command for the forces.

Strategic Command (who own the nukes) reports up through SECDEF to the President, not thru the Joint Chiefs.

Ergo, by inserting himself into the discussion, Milley was poking around somewhere where he most certainly did not have the mission to do so.

In essence, he did the same thing that Flynn’s brother did on January 6th, get on a call that he had no business being on.

Yet we criticize one but celebrate the other.

Exactly. That’s why I want it codified so that more than one official has to agree to the action.

ETA: And the same statute can scrap the fucking rule that allows one senator to hold up nominees forever.

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