They’ve demonstrated an unshakable commitment to the obstruction of justice.
Beware of crazy Greeks bearing AR-15’s?
Did you intend to link to a story?
I think the speech and debate may have to do with his role in the possibility of overturning the election, which he opted not to do, of course.
But I appreciate the sentiment that says you can’t write a book about it and then decide that you can’t testify before a GJ over the same information.
This is gonna get sticky and, depending on the court that gets to hear all this litigation, it could go totally wrong. If it goes to the (is it?) the fifth or the eleventh that tends to find for TFG, this will go to SCOTUS and it’ll be all over. It definitely won’t be settled before Nov 2024.
My first thought on reading this was, she won’t last long.
I don’t think that Smith really needs Pence to fry Trump & co. But not cooperating will backfire on him, and undermine whatever good will he’s built up in refusing to go along with the coup attempt. As always, he’s sitting on the fence.
No, I was referring to the MSU shooting that’s part of the MM.
The image is of their mascot spartan.
Pence, or any VP has a dual role.
Pence and other people he talked to, they told him you’re role is ceremonial in regards to counting the state’s electors.
It’s a legislative role when the VP is the tie breaker.
Article I, Section 6, Clause 1:
The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.
Mike Pence is neither a Senator nor a representative.
Next argument.
I guess he misread the book as Go Shoot the Spartans.
Fending off Smith’s subpoena carries obvious political advantages for Pence, who is expected to seek the GOP nomination for president in 2024.
Nullify that by indicting him as a co-conspirator. Just because he did the right thing at the end doesn’t mean he wasn’t part of the plot.
Re MSU shooting: I’m sure (or at least I hope) that investigators will look into this guy’s social media feed etc. No connection with the university makes me wonder if he acted on a ‘universities are indoctrinating our youth’ mindset. I’m not saying this is the case—I have no idea—but I hope it will be considered when investigating potential motives.
I think the angle is, since the Veep is the President of the Senate and was serving in that capacity that day, ergo, it should apply.
As the article states, Speech and Debate is not settled law. It may become settled law (for 15 minutes, anyway), as it pertains to this situation.
You’re counting the unborn, right?
I love how all of these elected officials put their hands on the Bible and swear an oath to defend the Constitution but when asked to actually defend it, they lawyer up and then hide in its protections.
Gutless bastards.
Pence hasn’t figured out that MAGAts, more than bog standard Republicans, don’t do nuance.
OK, dang Mike Pence. What a coward.
You don’t need “settled law” when the text itself tells you who it applies to, and it plainly does not apply to Mike Pence.
Does Mike Pence draw a salary as a Senator? No, because he’s not a Senator.
Thank you for the update.
You may have posted that as tongue in cheek, but let’s not go there.