Migrant Mother Testifies On Death Of Child After ICE Detention

The reason I believe this woman? Because I hear the same kind of sh*t talk here in Northern Colorado in local brew pubs , even from people with college educations. When you engage in discussion with some of these folks, there is a defined and intellectually incurious nature to their points of view, like group think, and guess where they get their “news”? Right. Fox News opinion hosts like Hannity, Fox and Friends, Carlson.


I watched a good portion of this hearing. It was very difficult to stomach but necessary. More of this please, House Dems.


This is certainly true of some evangelicals, and of some people who are not evangelicals. It is not true of all evangelicals.

Next thing you know being black and waiting for a friend outside their apartment is a capital offense.

“Suffer the little children” full stop.

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There are vigils being planned for this Friday by “Lights for Liberty” : https://www.lightsforliberty.org/

Does anyone know of any other actions being planned?

Why is this not “cruel and unusual punishment”?

For legally seeking asylum, or even for illegally crossing the border in your mother’s arms - the punishment is death!
For being non-white - the potential punishment is death!
For robbery - a hand is chopped off!
For jay-walking - lose a foot!

What the fuck is wrong with US-Americans? Over 30%, all of them deplorable and despicable, disgusting and dangerous, still think that the narcissistic pathological liar, the so-called president, is worthy of the office.


In the second half of the hearing, a pediatrician from El Paso described how he and other local doctors used to be able to treat migrant children at the CBP facilities, but that the Trump administration, for “reasons of medical privacy,” has shut them out. They would not even report on child illnesses to local doctors. Perhaps we should ask the Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, or UNICEF to intervene?


And the upcoming cruelty that is to be inflicted by ICE in the next few days as they search and destroy, looking for people to deport from mixed-status families. The GOP, the party of family values has always been a lie.


Killing babies. More American exceptionalism.

The Democrats let Bush, Cheney, and their gang of criminals get away with torture and murder. Looks like they’re going to do it again.

Just endless investigations and secret reports.

Lawless government.


The civil penalty is nice but I hope the next administration brings criminal charges to the individual agents who murdered this young girl. Some person, not “the government,” saw that baby suffering and told her mother she could not take her to a doctor. That person is a murderer and should spend the rest of their life behind bars.


Well, you know the haters will say it’s all the fault of her parents for bringing the child here illegally and that the child got what [s]he deserved.

They say that from the front pew of their church.


[Mark 10:14]: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Greek Verse (Literal Alternative): “Let the little children come before me and don’t stop them: for the reign of God is such as this.”

The word translated as “Suffer” primarily means “to let go” or “to pass by.” This same word is usually translated as “leave”, “forgive”, “suffer,” and “let” in the New Testament. Here, the sense is “pass by” since they are being blocked.


Evangelical churches need these kind of travesties to keep their sanctuaries full. They don’t have a clue about what Jesus would do because they would’ve been among those crucifying him for daring to run against mainstream thinking.

If you speak to those who are perfectly ok with this, then ask them what church they attend, you might be shocked with the response.

The rest of the churches that would support this don’t have the voice anymore because mainstream religion is populated with the mostly over 50 crowd. There isn’t the money to put forth the argument that this is wrong in the face of the evangelical church.

Hell, my own United Methodist Church is still arguing over whether the LGBTQ community is welcome in the church, though the tenet was put forth by a small group that didn’t represent the thoughts of the larger.

I wouldn’t look to organized religion to solve this.

And how did the minority distinguish themselves during Juarez’s testimony? I’m not seeing headlines here about crazy things they said, so have we finally found a situation in which shame still holds sway over them? Is a mother, grieving over a child killed by the policies of the minority party, actually enough to shame them out of their usual insane propaganda and aggressive performative grievance art?

The ones that not should think of a rebrand themselves and call themselves something else. “Evangelical” is a dirty word in my book now, a greedy, Trump-loving pharisee.

am not saying this in support of the CBP…It I entirely possible that that there are some decent caring people at these facilities, but they have no power to over turn the ‘orders’ from those in power…so they do the best they can, if these people leave, they will just be replaced by others, who may be not so kind…iknow, I know,‘good germans and all that’…the detained migrants and the people hired to ‘care’ for them are entangled in a horrific, macabre dance…from which there seems to be no end…it reminds me of a line from ‘AMERICAN PIE’…….‘The day the music died’…why are these migrants singled out for this cruel treatment, I remember when the CUBANS began their migration to FLORIDA…they were welcomed…it was ‘wet foot-dry foot’…the ones who crossed the FLORIDA straits in rafts and inner tubes, were hailed as heroes…they are brown skinned and speak Spanish…what changed?

exactly…where are these do-gooders who travel all over the world doing their thing…hey, look around you people,or are you too busy raising money to actually do what you claim to do???

These detention centers should be stormed like the Bastille.

I’m only aware of one person who has spoken out (from the article on TPM last week). So no, it is not possible.

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