Yes, here you go.,_2020
Sadly, at least in his case, the three incumbents are running for re-election with no challengers. (Not unusual at this level of the judiciary in MI.)
openly carried firearms
Why? Because Republicans can’t defend us?
On the other hand, talk about the pandemic is tightly controlled, because a well-censored militia is vital to freedom.
More idiots roaming the streets with loaded guns will solve everything!
The day Wall Street wakes up and finds out that economies run better when regular people aren’t going out because of low-lifes with guns, we might actually get some firearm reform.
So, if I were to show up wearing a vest strapped with bricks of modelling clay, I’d just be exercising my first amendment rights, yeah? After all, nobody should assume I intend to use anything I bring with me…
And THIS is what happens when you pack the courts with Judges that are more beholden to politics than to public safety and the rule of law.
Depends on who you call “rich”. Every IRA is getting shredded, too.
Can’t find the link (happening a lot lately) but I just read that a Trump official is saying that Wall Street is tanking because it’s afraid that Biden will win.
There could be a lot of short sellers and day traders that bought up whatever snake oil tRump sold them and are now just beginning to dump that shit and get out ahead of the change in government. Priorities will change under a new administration. Wall Street knows and feels this most acutely in their pocketbooks and bottom line. Just a guess. Its not always about what we think its about. Covid has been bad for a long time. I can’t believe they just realized it wasn’t going to get better even with tRump denying it was problem…or saying its now over.
Of course he’d say that. He’ll never be one for accepting responsibility for the fuckups he’s made.
He blames when he can’t boast. Simple as that.
Not only lack of another stimulus but numbers up in many states, leading expectations of another round of shutdowns further squeezing the economy. Oil prices also down as consumption expected to shrink. Europe also has troubles, France and Germany going into lockdowns again. How low will we go? But trump’s science office says he conquered Covid. The lies continue.