Michigan GOP Changes Primary Rules As Part Of Effort To Boost Trump In 2020

Michigan’s Republican Party is switching up the rules of its primary process to help President Donald Trump beat his GOP opponents.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1248603

This just seems monumentally stupid to me. If your candidate can’t win the party faithful then isn’t that a thing you’d like to know before the general election?


Maybe it’d be quicker to pick a single candidate and have the party members vote for them unanimously, North Korean style?


Dear Leader Trump will not allow any dissent in the ranks of the unwashed masses.

HE knows what is good for you. YOU do as you are told. Free-Dumb.


This is more to ensure that if other candidates make it to the Convention floor, that votes can’t be split.

Sooo much winning.


Zammit said the party’s rules “try to reflect the will of the voters…”

“…by denying the will of the voters.”


15% to 20%? Small change. Why even bother? I heard that ttump has 99% of deplorable votes.

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That’s a one third higher threshold for Weld or Walsh to get any delegates at all.

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I guess they just don’t want the voters to realize how little regard they themselves have for him. It’s kind of reverse-meta, I suppose.


In my three score-plus years I have never, NEVER, seen such fear. I just hope we start witnessing the same abject terror when it comes to Senate races.


A GOP spokesman named Zammit,
Rejoind a reporter with, “Ma’am, it,
Remains as our judgment,
That we’ll back our incumbent.
That’s the last that I’ll say 'bout this, damn it!”


OMG that’s a great picture of the Dear Leader and his propagandist mouthpiece.


We had to destroy the village to save it.


OT Breaking News from You Can’t Make This Shit Up Central

"The first family is very active in water sports,” according to the United States Secret Service.


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Um, if they’re referring to Don Jr. and Eric, then the water “sport” is probably trophy-hunting dolphins.


Do they know something Christopher Steele knows too?


Iowa and New Hampshire. Heh.
What will the RNC do when the challengers trounce Trump in those early states?

Eventually, the truth of what has happened during the Trump administration will come out. It may come out in the investigations in the next year, but it will for sure come out after Trump leaves office and a Democrat opens up the executive to Congressional investigations of the activities during Trump’s administration. When that happens, when we finally hear all the stories about what Trump and his minions did, when the damage to the functioning of the US government is understood, it is critical that the Republican party not be allowed to get away with washing their hands of Trump and his malfeasance. Things like this, where they are fighting to make sure Trump is reelected no matter what, make it clear that they are completely onboard with everything Trump is doing. We have to hold them accountable for that in the future.

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It will take 4x as long to fix as it has taken to destroy… and maybe longer because there will be lingering scum that will obstruct with their last dying breath …
Win the White House, win the Senate, gain more in the House … and steamroll the obstructionists.

Has anybody seen this documentary ? Since the propaganda technology has already been tried and tested and proved to be very effective I wonder if it will be used again.