MI GOP State Canvasser Says He May Try To Delay Election Certification

Norman Shinkle, one of the two Republican members of Michigan’s Board of State Canvassers, said on Thursday that he’s considering requesting a delay in the certification of the state’s votes.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1345792

Added, because Millard Fillmore added it -


Fuck these fucking traitors.


These people should be remembered after all this is done.


No need for further comment.


He can’t stop it alone, but it is concerning that any Republicans are thinking about holding up the processing of a free and fair election because their favored candidate lost. If we can’t have election results go through because of a tantrum over the results, then democracy just doesn’t work. Of course, he may just be trying a grift, it’s how the Republican party works nowadays.

So far, none of this has worked out for Republicans, and they look foolish for trying because there is no case. The nut wing is all up in arms over the election because of Trump’s screams of fraud, but that should not stop Biden from becoming president. If anything gets in the way of that, if Trump is still sitting there on Jan 20th, then our democracy is over and it will be time to man the barricades. Until we hit a real roadblock, it is best to stay calm and allow the process to continue…and the locals in each state are going to push back hard if there are any shenanigans, as happened in Wayne county. It was a nice bit of citizenship that nailed the two idiots there, it burst their bubble long enough to do the right thing.

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The only reason any of this is happening is because you have an entire party that doesn’t give a shit about the will of the people. They only care about making sure they can maintain entrenched power and hold onto minority rule. They’ll continue to use race, class, gender, or whatever it takes to pit one group against another even if they have to lie, cheat and game the system in a ruse that pretends they’re only trying to watch out for the “the little guy” whose voice is somehow being denied.


Nate is spot on. Except that the Goopers were always going to call fraud, but simply decided to chose the timing of vote counts as the pretext instead of some other red herring (The ballots looked funny). The entire national electoral protocols and system need to be reformed from the ground up. National standards!

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I would add that they seem to not care a wit for anyone’s wellbeing. Looking at the election fracas (this should really be spelled fracus, because what they are doing causing a lot of cussing), and how they respond or not respond to global health crisis is telling. They are in it for mine, mine, mine.


Yep…just like their Dear Leader. Which came first, the chickenshit or the egg?


Pro tip for GOP: Stop trying to steal our votes.

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Cut your nose to spite your face I see.“NOBODY GETS SEATED”

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My understanding is Gov. Whitmer is ready to replace any of the State Canvas Board members on the spot if they do not certify that all the counties are accounted for. Since the counties have all already certified, the job of the State Board is really a rubber stamp. They do not have authority to question the county certifications. Whitmer does have the authority to remove and replace recalcitrant Board members on her own, however. I expect this mess will get cleaned up “toot sweet” on Monday. The US Constitution provides that only the Governor has the authority to “ascertain” who the states Electors are.


I understand the argument for raging and storming, but I think if this wingnut yahoo’s nonsense mattered at all, which it may not, he might be more persuaded by one quiet voice from a fellow republican saying, “For Christ’s sake let’s just get this over with” than by a million outraged liberals saying what a traitor he is etc. etc. They live for that outrage, and will have to work out for themselves, on their fingers and toes, what traitors they are. That will or won’t happen over time.


any chance you have a source? not arguing the point but just hadn’t seen it reported. seems like an important factor. and by important, I mean, critical.

i’m personally of the opinion that the state AG should open an investigation into meddling from both the trump camp, the canvassers, and the R elected officials that are involved. to be clear, not a lawyer, i know nothing about MI (or PA, etc) election law as it pertains to this kind of craziness… but… seems like whatever is happening now should be a crime.

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See Phil Ruckers latest story in the Washington Post today! :sunglasses:

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What of this then? From the MI Senate majority leader who went to the White House: