NEW YORK — Judge Juan Merchan reiterated a sharp warning to Donald Trump on Monday morning, telling the former president that he is risking jail time if he continues to violate the court’s orders.
The most effective punishment would include a litteral “ramp of consequences”. TFG would have to walk up to get into the courtroom every day and every time he’s held in contempt the ramp gets steeper.
10 times. You try that. With this Judge or any other and you’re in the slam. There’s no better example of special treatment than what we see here. The only reason Trump’s not doing 48 hours in a cooler is the Judge is afraid to put him there.
I hate to say this, but Merchan needs a little iron in his spine. Trump has ignored threats of jail at least 3 times. Who the fuck cares that he was "a former President of the United States, and possibly a future President as well.” This lack of enforcement encourages continued violations. Put Diaper Don in the slam!
In case any reporters are reading this, stop trying to figure out why so many of Fat Boy’s former employees break down on the witness stand. Fat Boy is a shark who can smell weak individuals, women as well as men, small, petty, self-interested venal losers who see Fat Boy as an easy way to get everything they want. Their tears can only be one of two things - either the veil has finally been torn aside and they can see for the first time of the many ways they’ve allowed their own weaknesses to be exploited for Fat Boy’s benefit, or they are still in the fit of brainwashing, believing that they are hurting someone who cares about them, despite all evidence to the contrary. There’s nothing to uncover when someone is that two-dimensional.
“Look, asshole, I’m bending over backward for you here. I think you’re a piece of shit, but I’m paying respect to the office you held and - God fucking forbid - could hold again. I don’t want to do this because I know your fascist hooligans will make my and my family’s lives hell going forward, but my duty is to the law. And you keep breaking it. Last time: STOP.”
Therein lies Trump’s nihilistically seditious (seditiously nihilistic?) plan: can he push it far enough to actually force this undesirable step, or will his antics have the effect if defanging the law and not be put in jail, thus dealing another significant blow to the rule of law?