Menendez Says Superspreader Parties Go Against State Dept’s ‘Own Guidance’ For COVID Safety | Talking Points Memo

So the fuck what? It’s not within guidelines, mask or no mask, to be trapped in a room with hundreds of people.

Your suggestion is nasty enough, but your acceptance of substantial collateral damage to the innocent is obscene.


Hope you will both be OK


The Republicans are shaking in their boots with a spineless Democrat calling them out.

Menendez is a fake Democrat…another corporatist that publicly criticized Repukes but privately helps Republicans hold power.

Hey Menendez…do something meaningful for working families and the bottom 90% like bring back taxes on your corporate and billionaire buddies!

Hoping all is well – I’ll be sending some good energy your way, Plucky. We absolutely need you here.

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@pablointhegazebo - I understand your anger but please don’t bring racist commentary into this forum. Many diplomats are other than white and the people they interact with, and may infect, represent a wider demographic; as do the health care workers who will be forced to deal with yet another life to save.

I don’t mean to sound preachy, I’m just trying to be conscious of setting the example that I want to see. Descending into finger-pointing and anger isn’t going to lead us where we want to go.

It’s almost like he’s trying to kill off witnesses to his crimes as SOS…hmmmmm.

Damn girl, if you need anything give a holler over this way. Stay safe and keep us posted.


Avoiding gatherings of any size esp indoors, wearing masks and face covering 100% of the time, social distancing, washing hands many times a day esp. after having done shopping of any kind are not the cures, but they’d go a long way to containing this.

Nevertheless San Francisco is doing better than the SF Bay Area and California on the whole, but we shouldn’t become complacent.


This is so stupid - the right hand and left hand are in conflict since the White House told our governor to lock Texas down again. He’s not but they issues guidelines from the COVID task force and advised everyone over 65 to stay in and get everything delivered since the virus is out of control here.


Glad to see SF is so much better than the rest of CA, but still, it’s horrible everywhere.
Had to go to a store today to get 40#'s sunflower seeds for the birds, not a place I’ve gone much and what do you see? At least 4 people (all men) without masks. One woman with probably a 7 yr old, she had a mask, he didn’t. Talked to the cashier about it and she said people just don’t care. This has all brought out what a huge divide there is in this country and I really think we need a major do over in the education system.
Then, I’m in the middle of John Lewis Walking with the Wind to see just how horrific it was in the deep south, totally shocking to someone that grew up in VA but I wasn’t old enough to know what was going on in the late 50’s early 60’s. This country, I don’t know.
@tena And, if you’re under 65, you won’t be affected, right? What the hell.

There is signage on every store I go into these days and banks and coffee shops, you name it, that say you are not permitted to enter without face covering. However, there are those mavericks who roam around stores without and no one stops them. I’ve been wearing one since sometime in February, don’t leave the house without one

Who cares? How about medical workers who are despairing of relief from treating dying patients and are in fear of their own health? Pompeo is a putz, you don’t have to be one.


My limited impression is, the more mainstream, more people without masks, you go to Whole Foods (not a fan) and everyone has on a mask. There’s a food co-op 30 mi away and they limit the amount of people and you have to wear a mask.
Since I’d recently moved to this house I was going to a Lowe’s (hate all those stores) couple months ago and the sign was on the door about masks, and still there were collections of maskless men blocking aisles talking. Said something to customer service and a checker, they basically shrugged.
I go walking where I won’t cross paths with many and always have my mask around my neck, I see someone coming the other way without one, I cross the street.


The people who do not abide by the most common protocols for protection from Covid are uniformly white. I would speculate that the only non-whites there will be working. Let’s wait for the photos of the big event and see who has the good sense to turn down an invitation and who does not.

Hey, life’s a bitch and then you die. The wait staff can always refuse to wait!

You wouldn’t like any of the supermarkets I go to including Mollie Stones, Lucky’s and Safeway. Signs warn people but no one challenges the few who are illiterate and don’t read the message.

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Oh, shut up.

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This is, I think, what professional, even paid trolling looks like. Stupid as the day is long and as incendiary as possible. Shut up is the only response at this point.

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It looks to me as if the only motivation is sociopathic spite.


Agreed 100%.

Now to the point of my reply: What an adorable dog!

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