Top congressional leaders will be among the first to receive the coronavirus vaccine in the coming days under the banner of the importance of the continuity of government.
So the likes of Matt Gaetz (FL-MORON) and Louie Gohmert (TX-DUMBASS) in the House get the vaccine before doctors, nurses and residents of long-term care facilities?
WHY? Have we somehow deemed them ESSENTIAL??? WTF? The most useless among us. They played Trump etal game to screw with the distribution to leave a clusterfk for Biden? No. Just fkn no.
OT, but worth a read… Someone who survived Jonestown by playing dead (after being shot 5 times) says, yup, the Trumpers have drunk the Koolaid. Who better to judge:
So Matt Gaetz (wears gas mask to mock mask wearers) and Devin Nunes (let’s all go out and flood the bars during a pandemic in CA) get shots before doctors and nurses. The only people who are bigger morons than these are the ones who voted them in.
I’m okay with this . . . on the condition that every single one of them agrees to be photographed wearing a mask while the needle goes into the arm. If they won’t mask up for the photo op, the fuckers can go without.
Very OT, but I’m I the only one freaking out about the recent hacking, or is there just too much going on?
I have compiled some of the more pertinent tweets here.
I just wanted to create an archive since things get lost so quickly. This thing seems to be snowballing out of control.
Here, the first shipment has been delivered, and county health clinic workers will start receiving the vaccine. Others in health care will also be receiving it.
WASHTENAW COUNTY — The Washtenaw County Health Department announced in a post on social media Thursday, Dec. 17, that it has received its initial 1,950 dose shipment of COVID-19 vaccine.
Plans are in place to start vaccinating clinic staff immediately so they can vaccinate others, health officials said. First priority for the shot will include vaccinators, long-term care facilities, EMS and frontline heath care providers not already being vaccinated through their hospital or organization.
The article stresses that masks and social distancing and other mitigation issues must continue to be used. This isn’t over by a long shot.