There’s a new MAGA artist in town.
It’s not John McNaughton, that Thomas Kinkade of Trumpworld, or Ben Garrison, the consummate satirist.
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There’s a new MAGA artist in town.
It’s not John McNaughton, that Thomas Kinkade of Trumpworld, or Ben Garrison, the consummate satirist.
Probably all paint by (fake) numbers.
Paintings destined to rank with such classics as Mar-a-Lago’s renowned bikini-on-velvet “Winnebagos”.
Isn’t art one of those things people use to launder money?
Now do a Goya impersonation of TFG eating the Repugnicant Party.
From her Linkedin profile:
BIO: I was born in the fearsome and powerful USSR …
I WORK only with open-minded people, who are always ready to push themselves beyond their own limits and believe in unbelievable.
I DO NOT WORK with people who are living in ancient like a dinosaurs’ shit paradigm, and worship relic of the past.
Nuff sed …
When I signed up for the “AF” tier, I was hoping to see major entries like this one because it’s very important for me, personally.
Just give me an old pic of Stalin for $100
…that “99 percent of my clients are gentlemen.”
I’ll bet they are.
It’s a great way to make some money. Trump supporters in general don’t have much taste in art, but they’ll love the message so…cha ching!!!
Article should have a warning not to be eating or drinking while reading, unless you like to clean up a suddenly messy laptop.
That’s not art…worth any mention. It fits into the “primitive” category but lacks the imagination and originality that genre requires to have merit. Primitive studies lack skill…particularly if the human figure is in them. The rendering is usually clumsy, stilted and uninspiring. That can work if there’s other aspects of the work that are original or creative. Take Grandma Moses’s “quilting bee”. The perspective is wacky and most of the image’s details are in flat lay but the arrangement of people and things in it make the eye want to stay with it.
This klute posing as an artist is a hack that puts paint on canvas. That alone does not make her work art. There’s no merit, creativity or skill demonstrated in it. That must be if it’s to be called art.
Effin’ A…I just got this sarcasmometer back from the shop.
I’d like to think the artist is doing it because she knows that Trump supporters are easily separated from their money.
I think we can count on it. I think this broad knows precisely what side her bread is buttered on, and she’ll fleece the faithful handsomely for her garbage – which they will adore endlessly.
Wonder what else is included in the price, because the painting technique is totally crap, really any painter in our little Sunday market has superior stuff.
Amazing how most political cartoonists, especially on the right, are complete artistic failures. Clear misrepresentation of internal anatomy, inappropriate use of shade to show form, and lacking of any kind of compositional consideration.
Of course the rubes lap it up.
Yes, could see this being used for money laundering. Not to the artist, but perhaps in subsequent transactions. Who in their right mind would spend their own real money on this tripe? Clearly not anyone who actually works for a living.
No. Just…no.
That is some weird assed christofascist, trump humping bullshit. Charitably speaking, I’d say that crap is, at best, naivest.