White christian nationalists like Mark Meadows are accountable only to their Messiah Skanky and his Wanky. Seizing voting machines, overthrowing elections, organizing coups, abetting the hanging of a vice president are acts of virtue and faith protected by the First Amendment.
Meadows retains top GOP lawyer for Jan. 6 investigation
Two people familiar with the matter told POLITICO that George Terwilliger, a former deputy attorney general, is representing Donald Trump’s former chief of staff. (https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/20/meadows-retains-gop-lawyer-516316 )
And just where is it that bars and indeed, liquor sales, are even open “on voting day”?
Meadows muffin’ it.
Indeed. But the media and late night comedians relentlessly mocked her, the same as they did for “Global Warming Gore.” And who’s laughing now?
(No one, as it turns out. The consequences are too obvious.)
Yup, he has a real attorney who costs a ton of money. And when his attorney tells him to shut up, he does.
The funny thing is, it took him a while to figure that out. “Sure, I’ll cooperate and give the J6 Committee my text messages. No, wait, that might be a problem. It looks like I was trying to help overthrow the government … because I was.”
Waldron told the Washington Post that he met with Meadows “maybe eight to 10 times” in the days leading up to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.
The only crime here is that society is not ready for a forbidden love between a rich and powerful Chief of Staff, and a down-on-his-luck cybersecurity consultant from the wrong side of the tracks.
Maybe, in a nexus sort of way.
Unremarkably, Meadows seems wiser than his former boss.
Not that that’s a steep hill to climb.
I used those the first few times I voted in suburban NY. I loved the clunk, clunk of flipping those levers!
Waldron’s election steal PowerPoint (which was titled “Election Fraud
, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN: A How-To Guide”)…
I’m sure that he’d also like to avoid jaily daunts from his fellow inmates.
Didn’t TFG have an executive order drawn up for this purpose.
Why yes…yes he did.
If Meadows really felt that speaking would aid him in any way, he would speak.
I’m rather wondering if, the hearing this week, we get to find out just how badly off Mark is.
There’re a lot of texts out there. Just displaying those would take a few hours without any witnesses to try and tap dance their ways out of danger.
If you listened to a conversation between Mark Meadows and Kevin McCarthy, you’d get measurably dumber.
He has an excellent lawyer, and he’s listening to him.
That’s about it.
What I’m amazed at is that Mr. Terwilliger wasn’t snatched up by some other participant in the attempted coup . . . or that Mr. Terwilliger told them all NO.