McSally Professes Shock At ‘Pear-Clutching’ After Reporter Attack

What an absolutely abhorrent woman McSally is. She will be clutching her pearls when she is defeated in November. We need to clean out the Senate like we did the House!

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Harrison Schmitt walked on the moon and became a US senator from New Mexico.

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I don’t think that actually jives with electoral history of Arizona…where you can’t spell CRAZY without R-AZ.

Jeff Flake, for example, was hardly a moderate republican. He ran as an extreme tea bagger, and that’s how he won. McCain had time on his side, but his past few campaigns were against extremist republicans. Their history of governors has not had any I would call “moderate” in at least the past 10, probably closer to 20 years. And lets not forget Arapario who is running for Sheriff again…after toying with running against McSally in a primary.

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In McSally’s defense, she is now a full-fledged, unrepentant, lying scumbag, incapable of discerning truth in an objective reality which she denies even exists. She, without a doubt, literally cannot help herself from acting in such a vile, disgusting manner as is here fully on display for all to see. Indeed, she is proud of how she has acted, and does not hesitate to say so. In a word, McSally is a nothing but a “Hack,” or more precisely, what we in Arizona proudly refer to as an unelected arrogant, Republican “Conservative Hack.” May she forever remain unrepentant, unelected, and a “Hack,” in plain sight for all to see. And may the Koch Brothers Super-Pac at long last vacate Arizona, and take McSally, along with her broomstick, too.

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Fuck her, she wasn’t elected.

She lost her last two elections and was then assigned her seat out of the fucking air.

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That’s Cloris? She’s lovely. In The Last Picture Show they made her up almost as ugly and she was a good looking woman at that time. I love her sense of humor because it’s irreverent.


You know, if all your coverage says you’re an a$$hole, maybe you are.



During an MTM special on PBS I learned that she had been a model when young. God she was funny. Phyllis was the most annoying woman on the planet.


There was an episode that was particularly funny to me. Phyllis is talking to Mary (and maybe Rhoda) and she’s telling them that Lars has been unfaithful to her. She goes into a monologue about a queen bee, and how after she mates with a male bee, she then kills him. The punchline was along the lines of “All in all, not a bad system.”


It takes bravery to play somebody that unlikable. And her skirts - ugh, those big quilted cotton things on a drawstring waist

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That was my first thought!

I’d be unscrewing the top of my water bottle!


Did you read that book? I ask because I find so few people who have. The chapter on Sam Houston was delightful, for the most part. I also loved the chapter on Thomas Hart Benton, one of the two first Senators from MO. “Let the assassin fire!” I gave my copy (that I got for Christmas in ‘64, I think) to a young woman I know. I think I need to find another copy on eBay or somewhere. I know that it shaped my view of politics when I was just a child. Then along came Bob!

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a’changing

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I think it was Mark Twain who said, “By the time a man is 55 [or some such age] a man will have the face he most deserves.”

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I want a t-shirt that says, “I am a liberal hack.”


Thank you!

Never mind

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Yes, send her crazy ass back home so she can sit with her own dog!

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