McConnell Threatens ‘Nuclear Winter’ If Dems Eliminate Fillibuster | Talking Points Memo

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said during an interview that aired Tuesday, that the Senate would turn into “a sort of nuclear winter” if Democrats succeeded in eliminating the filibuster.

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So, once again, Moscow Mischa threatens to shut down the senate if we don’t allow him to shut down the senate? If we take away the filibuster, the most he can do is delay and annoy, not obstruct. And there will be political costs to that.

Please proceed, Mischa, and by all means, persist.

Now cue up heartfelt op-eds about Tip 'N Ron and how they met over Irish whiskeys and hashed out great deals and why can’t we all love one another and move back towards the center like in the good old days–you know, when white men were even more dominant than they are today and everything was GOOD (for white men, especially those of power and means)–and how the extremists on both sides have to just STOP IT and be reasonable again, because obviously BLM & Antifa are just as crazy and dangerous as white election-denying thugs who storm the Capitol and murder a cop!

Only one side is extremist and refuses to meet in the center and hash out deal. ONLY ONE SIDE. And it’s not the left. So stop fucking blaming the left for what only the right is doing these days, and don’t be such a cowardly hosebag who doesn’t want to be seen as biased and partisan. I’m biased and I’m partisan–in favor of what’s right and what works, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. And Moscow Mischa can go fuck himself. His power is gone and he’s just a wounded old bullshit moose.

Btw, BLM, Antifa, Portland rioters–not part of the establishment left or the Democratic party.

Trumpies, Proud Boys, Oaf Keepers, white supremacists, Hitler Youth–absolutely part of the GOP.

If you don’t agree with this comment, the extremists win!


Welcome to irrelevancy!

Don’t forget to try the fish!


“Nuclear Winter”? What a friendly, non-loaded term! :slight_smile: But the whole spectacle of Mitch McConnell pretending to stand on any kind of ‘principle’ is really laughable. I am really starting to get the sense that the fillibuster is nearing its end.


Is Moscow Mitch going to count to three and if the Dems haven’t done what he wants, then he will----what? Pout? Complain to Trump? Hold his breath? I personally favor the last option.


Hey Yertle, we survived four (4) years of T****.

Nuclear winter? Meh…


He seems to have a lot to say, but I’m not seeing any action out of him.

Words are cheap, Mitch. Bring it on.


The democrats have nothing to lose by getting rid of the filibuster. Anything Republicans love (cutting taxes, giving out more pork to the defense and oil industries, installing right-wing judges), they can do without a filibuster-proof majority. If the they nuke the senate, they will get hurt too once they are back in power.


It’ll be more like spring.


Does Mitch believe that the only rule change can be to the filibuster? I realize that it would be impossible to totally Mitch-proof the Senate rules, but a major change in rules that provides for minority voices to be heard while protecting against the tyranny of a single person would be, I would hope, possible. The rules of the Senate (and of the House, it seems) are so arcane that as an outsider it’s difficult to say “pass this rule and it solves the problem” but those who work within those rules understand the ways to make the process less vulnerable to obstruction for obstruction’s sake.


“Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin, even begin to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate would look like,” McConnell said last week.

2008-2016. Something like that?


Mitch is scared.


“Hold his breath”
…until his hands turn blue.


Yeah, seems he’s conveniently ignoring the fact that we’ve already seen his “do-nothing-block-everything” shtick. Hollow threats. It’s over, Mitch.


During the tRump reign and McConnell at his finest, are there any tallies as to how many bills passed the House and went on to get nothing in the Senate. Looks like a bit of scorched earth to me. Poor, poor Mitch, he’s no longer king of the hill so he’ll just make outrageous threats to scare the Dems into doing his bidding.


His desperation is showing.

I think if he refuses to cooperate on the voting rights bill, the filibuster has to go.


When is this guy going to retire?


eliminating the filibuster

When it serves his purpose, McConnell will eliminate the filibuster in a heartbeat.

Remember Amy Barrett and Mitch’s Merrick Garland principle.


Nobody listens to the words from your serpent-tongue, Mitch, you damn goggle eyed old fool. Stomp your feet harder and hyperventilate more. Doctor said it’s good for your heart.


What do you think the Trump administration was, dotard? We overcame that and we will the filibuster, too.

You shouldn’t have run for re-election. All your buddies like Blunt are bailing on you. The new MAGA caucus has taken over and will take away your minority leader title next. The insurgents like Cruz and Hawley are at your door calling for your wife to stop working at massage parlors, tempting them to sin or infecting the nation with her virus.